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I cringed at the idea of them coming to me for advice or me trying to make decisions on issues that I had no clue about. I closed the book, chewing my bottom lip, as I placed it on top of the dresser. Kicking my shoes off, I climbed over the couch and onto the bed, trying not to disturb Colby in the process.

As I pulled the cover back and climbed under them, his arm came up and around my waist pulling me against him. I hadn't even noticed him moving over onto his side. I snuggled against him, and sighed in content, as I closed my tired eyes.

Life couldn't get much better.

For the next couple of weeks, it was pretty hectic. The guys had to go to multiple meetings for the Council constantly. Usually, one or two every other day, and they would end up being gone for hours.

Colby told me that they would have to travel soon, to speak with other Councils across the US and even in other nations. The ones in the US weren't really a big deal since the guys could honestly run there and back faster than anyone could drive. I was excited about the ones in other countries though, because Sam and Colby said that we would all vacation when that time came.

I think that France was first on the list and I honestly couldn't wait. Kat was planning on being turned within the year, and Sam had finally agreed since I was able to take all of Devyn's pain, and most of the craving away. I was getting better at controlling, and even using my magic.

The lessons with Melanie had been extremely helpful and she had even gotten her coven leader to help out. I still hadn't mentioned becoming the leader of the witches yet, to them, and Melanie hadn't brought it up either. I was grateful for that.

Melanie said that I had progressed so much in controlling my magic and with the small spells, that she wanted to teach me how to fight, if I wanted to learn. I was actually eager to do that, since you never knew when a vamp might want to revolt. It was going really well and my aim was getting better.

The guys helped me practice at home and I usually always shot the target with my energy blasts, instead of them now. They were pretty happy about that. Thankfully, I had learned how to control the power so there wasn't any chance of me accidentally making them explode or anything.

Pretty sure that they wouldn't be okay with that.

My writing was going really well. I had completed my novel and submitted it to Mr. Roberts last week. He told me that he wouldn't give me any special treatment.

I was perfectly fine with that but when I told Colby, his eyes narrowed and he exclaimed that he damn well would give me special treatment if I wanted him to. He would be sure to make him. I just laughed it off, but honestly, I kept an eye on him for a few days to make sure that he didn't go compel my boss.

I knew it was something he would do and then deny it, just to make me happy. I loved him for it, but this was something I wanted to do on my own. I didn't want to cheat at this.

If I wasn't good enough to be published, then so be it, but I needed to know.

Lauren, the vampire chick that was in the entourage with Sam and Colby that went to go meet Aza that time, was coming around a lot more often. She was helping me with learning actual moves so if I ever did get into a hand to hand combat, I wouldn't just get my ass kicked. I kept seeing Mike watching her, and smiling when she would look over at him.

Think there might be something there. They seem to disappear around the same time too but they hadn't said anything yet. The weeks passed, turning into months, our lives basically the same, only a little different.

It felt weird having Devyn and Elton following me around every time I left the house but not too much because it was just like hanging out with my friends. They had become my Personal Guard. Kind of made me feel like royalty, to be honest, but weird because it was my friends.

We were going to Paris for Sam and Colby to meet with the Head Council over there and make some sort of Alliance. I had to be present too, as an advocate for the witches. Vampires around the world still didn't trust the witches, and vice versa, so we were trying our best to remedy that.

I felt so weird being like a spokesperson, but I guess that I was the only one that could do it right now. Melanie and my friends were still the only ones that knew that I was also half vampire. Still wasn't ready for that.

The French Council agreed to work with the witches, and have monthly meetings to work on their problems and try to get over their differences. It was a start.

Colby took me out on the town that night, since the meeting didn't take as long as we expected. We still had a couple of hours before sunrise. He took me all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I was hanging onto his back, as tightly as I could, with my eyes squeezed shut as he climbed.

"You can get down now." I heard him chuckle.

I cracked my eyes open, and noticed that we were on the top level, with our feet on solid ground. The lights spread out around us, lighting up the sky. It literally looked like we were on top of the world.

"Oh my God." I breathed out, letting go of my death grip on him as he helped me slide down off of his back. "This is...breathtaking." I whispered, not sure if there was security or something somewhere around.

Obviously, we could get away faster than they could catch us but I didn't want to cut the night short. I had walked closer to the edge to look over the barrier, and felt Colby's arms go around my waist.

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