9 (Colby's POV)

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"Think they'll be done soon?" I asked.

They abruptly stopped before I was finished asking, which left the word 'soon' ringing out into the now quiet woods.

"Yes, we're finished now. Melanie can help you." The witch that spoke was older, her voice raspy, like she smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the last 20 years.

I could see dark hair coming out from under the hood on her robe, the wind blowing it around her. The fine lines on her face weren't prominent, just a couple near her eyes and the corners of her mouth. She was probably in her 40s or so.

She held her hand out towards one of the other witches, but kept her eyes locked on mine. I didn't like what I saw in them. It felt like she could snap her fingers and my body would just start decaying or something.

"You don't like me, do you?" I asked wryly, holding her gaze.

The witch that she was reaching out to, stepped forwards and took her hand.

"No, I don't. You're a vampire. I don't trust vampires. We need your venom in her blood. That is the ONLY reason that we have agreed to help you. You also must heal her when you are done."

I pursed my lips to the side, staring at her. "The feeling is mutual cuz I don't trust witches. What do you need our venom and our blood for?"

The other witch gasped, holding her hand to her mouth, like I had said something wrong. "You shouldn't question the Elder Witch. Ever." The younger witch spit out at me.

I held up both of my hands and smirked.

"You might not, but I don't have a problem with it." I replied. "What do you want with it?"

"That's not your concern." the Elder Witch replied, her voice as hard as her eyes as she glared at me.

"It is though. I need to know that you don't plan on doing some kind of evil witchy thing to my people before I just give you that powerful of ingredients for whatever it is you plan on doing."

She raised one eyebrow at me and licked her bottom lip, before she nodded slowly. "Come with me."

I motioned to Sam with my fingers for him to follow, and he stepped up beside me. We followed the Elder witch to a cabin that was set off behind some trees a few hundred feet away. It was old, but still holding up.

It had a nice rustic appearance to it. We followed her up onto the porch and she opened the door and walked inside, leaving us there.

"Um...we can't come in." Sam stated. "You have to invite us in."

The witch popped back up in the doorway, right in front of me, making me yelp and fall back into Sam. He folded his lips inside of his mouth, holding in his laughter.

"Don't you fucking dare." I said quietly.

He smirked at me, and looked back to the witch. She was looking at me with disdain.

"I thought you were supposed to be a big, bad vampire." She said sarcastically, eyeing me up and down.

I stepped as close as I could to her, without entering the doorway. I expected her to take a step back, but she didn't.

She was a bad bitch.

"I am a big, bad vampire. Wanna try me?"

She placed her hand on my chest, digging her long nails in a bit. "You wouldn't like it if I did. Calm down big boy. We aren't that scary."

Fucking liar. She dropped her hand and walked back inside of the house.

"How are we supposed to see whatever it is that you want to show us if you don't invite us in?" I called into the cabin.

She didn't answer but I heard some moving around, and some grunts of pain.

"You good?" I called again.

Still no answer.

"What the fuck is going on?" Sam asked.

I shrugged, looking inside the doorway. I saw a living room with a battered old grey couch, and a brown recliner that was peeling with old age. I couldn't see past that but I heard a squeaking noise, like rusty wheels turning, getting closer.

A minute later, the witch came back into my view pushing a young guy in a wheelchair. His dark hair was thin and brittle looking, his skin waxy and pale. He lifted his head, looking like it took a lot of effort, when she stopped the wheelchair in front of the door.

His cheekbones were sunken in, his body so thin, I thought that he would break if he tried to move.

"This is Charlie. He's sick. Incurable by normal methods. Incurable by everything that we have tried. It seems to only get worse. There is one more thing that we can try before we give up completely and, to do that, I need your venom and your blood mixed with a witch's blood. Satisfied?" Her tone was haughty as she glared at me, daring me to challenge her.

I felt bad for the kid. He couldn't have been more than 22 years old, but he reminded me of a frail old man. He was watching me with wary eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I told him softly. "I'm going to help."

The witch raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You are?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I need help from you guys, you need help from us. It's a win, win. Can I ask why it has to be Sam and I? Sam said Melanie was pretty specific about that."

The witch seemed to be in a much better mood now. Huh...maybe I should have asked her name. Seemed rude to keep thinking of her as the witch.


She nodded.

"We need the two strongest members from the strongest clan. That means you two. We may stay out of vampire business, but we keep up with what we need to know."

Impressive. I nodded at her and stepped back away from the doorway.

"Okay. Let's do what we need to do." I was getting excited now, hoping that Chloe would be waking up soon, with all of her memories.

"I'll be right out." She replied, and closed the door swiftly.

I heard the wheels turning again, then the same grunts of pain.

"That poor kid." Sam said quietly.

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