93 (Colby's POV)

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The room was smoky from the cigars that were sitting in ashtrays and being puffed on by various vamps and humans alike. The straight elegance coming from the area made me feel a little out of sorts. I was used to being around people with a lot of money.

Hell, we were doing pretty good ourselves, but this was different. This wasn't just money, this was old money. Legacies in the vampire world who knew they had the upper hand, if they wanted it.

Everyone stared at us as we walked by, so I drew Chloe closer to me. I knew that they could smell that she was a witch. I dared them to try something with my eyes, as I stared back at them.

A pale, black haired vamp met us at the top of the staircase.

"Good evening Sirs and Madams, are you ready to proceed to the Council Chambers?"

Chloe made a weird grinding noise in her throat, then threw her hand over her mouth and coughed. I glanced sideways at her and smirked, knowing that she was laughing at how uptight the guy was. His English accent was strong, and the way he had his nose up in the air kind of made me want to punch him.

Remind him of who he was talking to.

Instead, I answered him back with a very poor English accent, being just as stiff and formal as he was being.

"Yes, we're ready."

Chloe coughed again and I almost broke my composure, wanting to laugh with her. If they kept acting like this, I wouldn't be able to make it through this without offending someone. Already, I could see the annoyance in the black haired vamp's eyes as he glanced at me, then back to Chloe.

He sighed heavily, like this was the last thing he wanted to be doing.

"Follow me then." He replied, then turned, going down the stairs.

We all followed suit, me snickering quietly.

"Shh." Chloe said, but there was a big grin on her face as she looked at me.

The area was much the same as I remembered it, only...cleaner and fancier. There was a long blood red rug stretched out down the hallway, directing our path, while paintings that weren't there before hung on the cement walls. I wondered if they had repaired the area that Chloe had blasted.

If they had, they worked fast. She had destroyed it. The vamp leading us slowed down as we reached the chamber doors, placing his hand against them as he turned back towards us.

"There are a few rules before we enter. Mr. Brock and Mr. Golbach will proceed to the back rooms with myself, to be instructed by the current Council members. Your entourage will be seated at the front table, with the name cards placed as so. The humans with you...and the witch." He said turning up his nose.

I growled before I could stop myself. I couldn't seem to help myself when it came to someone disrespecting her. She placed her hand on my arm and shook her head.

I looked back to the vamp, glaring at him with everything in me. If looks could kill, he'd be dead.

He seemed to be unfazed by it, but his head did lower a fraction of an inch and he looked away, avoiding my gaze.

"The humans will not speak to the other guests. Not everyone is as strong as you lot seem to be. No sense in antagonizing them with fresh blood, or confusing them since we do have our feeders here also. Are there any questions?"

"Is it safe for them to be here?" I asked, my voice still hard as nails.

He met my gaze and flinched a little beneath it.

"Safe? As safe as lambs in a room full of lions, I suppose." His stupid mouth on his stupid face, quirked up at the corners as he answered me.

Did he have a death wish? I stepped towards him, but felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked back. Sam had stopped me.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea." I growled out, looking back towards the guy, before meeting Sam's gaze again.

"It'll be fine Brother. The girls have literally the entire group here to watch over them. Besides, you know as well as I do that Chloe can take them all out. If this guy knows what's good for him, he'll be sure to remember that he's talking to members of the Council next time he opens his mouth. Otherwise, he may lose his job...or his life." Sam raised his eyebrows at the guy, and I watched his throat convulse in a hard gulp.

"Yes sir. Sorry sir." The man replied. "Are you ready to enter?"

I nodded at him curtly, pulling Chloe closer to me again. He opened the door, and stepped back allowing us to enter first. Chloe and I first, then Sam and Kat, Corey and Dev, Jake and Tara, then the other guys pulling up the rear.

The room that was formerly like a courtroom, now was host to several elegant circle tables with white silk tablecloths.

Why did they put white on everything? Blood stains.

Candles were placed in the middle of the tables on each side of the blood red roses that were the centerpieces.

Sam and I walked the girls to the table that was designated for us, and waited for them to sit, after we pulled out their chairs.

I leaned down, placing my mouth next to Chloe's ear.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Stay with the group. I love you."

She nodded, and turned her head up for a quick kiss, before smiling at me. "Go get em, my king."

I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Not a king. A Council Member."

She shrugged. "You're my king though. I love you too."

I shook my head, and stood up straight, waiting for Sam.

He kissed Kat, then turned to me.

"Let's do this Brother."

We walked side by side towards the door, nodding at the two guards that were standing on either side. They pushed the doors open, allowing us entry.

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