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My eyes trailed over the blood stained chains that held Colby's wrists. Fresh vampire blood. His clothes were torn and ragged, showing ripped skin beneath the cloth.

My own blood started boiling again, a slow roil inside my veins. How dare they! When my eyes finally met his, a gasp left my lips.

His eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, were full of pain, one almost swollen completely shut. A gash across his cheek, was dripping blood slowly, and more blood was smeared from his mouth, down his jawline. I reached my hand out to him through the iron bars of the cell where they were keeping him.

They were treating him like this and for what?

Because he accidentally made a vampire?

Or because he was consorting with witches? This was too much! I thought the council was supposed to protect the vampires, and keep the order.

This was just straight betrayal for someone who had always done what they asked of him. The rage was building up inside of me, searing through my flesh, as my hand connected with Colby's. The feel of his skin on mine only made it worse, feeling how clammy his hands were from dealing with the pain that they were putting him through.

"What are you doing here?" His eyes were locked on mine, but I knew that I couldn't speak.

Sam answered him.

"We needed to see you. Make sure that you were okay."

"Why is Chloe here?" The blue of his eyes was like molten lava, the mix of emotions swirling in them was making me dizzy.

"We brought her....as trade for you."

Colby's eyes flashed black as they shot to meet Sam's. "WHAT?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" He roared, snatching against the chains that were welded to the concrete walls behind him. "I TRUSTED YOU SAM! HOW COULD YOU?"

Sam put his finger to his lips again, signalling Colby to shut up. "Chloe is a very stubborn girl. Almost took me out before we decided to come. This is for the best Colby. The clan needs you. You'll forget Chloe and the Council will take care of her, use her as their personal witch maybe. I don't know but it's the only leverage we had. Hillmond says they aren't taking the deal anyways. Said that this was a chance for us to say goodbye to you." Sam's voice cracked a little at the end, but he cleared his throat and held Colby's gaze, seeming to be trying to explain something with his eyes.

Colby shook his head hard, gripping my fingers so tightly, I'm surprised I didn't hear a snap. I didn't care. The pain that he was causing in my fingers was nothing compared to the pain that he had went through.

Tears filled my eyes, and dripped over as I imagined what they had done to him. Seeing as how I had no clue how to torture a vampire, I wasn't really sure but the thought that came to my mind was the same as torturing a human. Vampires could still feel pain, it just took a lot more for them to feel it, and they healed a hell of a lot quicker.

Seemed like Colby wasn't healing though. I reached my hand up slowly to his cheek, swiping my thumb across the blood that was seeping from the gash on his usually perfect cheek. The rage flared up in me again, and I gripped the bars with both of my hands, squeezing, trying to release some of the tension.

Colby's eyes widened as they held my gaze, and his mouth fell open a little. That caught my attention for a moment, confusion clouding the anger, as I turned to see what made him do that. Everyone was surrounding me, looking down at my hands gripping the bars with the same expression as Colby on their faces.

I glanced down to see what was so fascinating, and dropped my hands from the bars quickly. Smoke was rising up from where my hands had previously been on the bars, the indentations of my fingers embedded into the iron.


How is that possible? I was melting the bars. I took a second to think about what the fuck was happening to me...then said fuck it.

I was controlling people's emotions, taking their pain, throwing vampires across fucking rooms, and now I was melting iron bars. Awesome. I was getting Colby out.

I placed my hands back on the bars, and let the rage fill me again, concentrating as hard as I could. The iron started to feel like putty in my hands, molding to how ever I wanted to shape it. The metal started to drip over my fingertips, scalding me as it ran over my skin.

Didn't care. I was only focused on Colby, holding his gaze. His lips started moving but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying.

White noise was filling my head, buzzing through my body like I had gotten struck by lightning. Suddenly, I felt arms grab me around the waist, and yank me away from the bars, away from Colby. I didn't think.

I couldn't. My body reacted without my consent, blasting out all of the pent up rage that I had from knowing that they were hurting him, that they had hurt Jade, an innocent human, that they allowed Aza to get away with the things that he does, but came down so hard on Colby, who had been there for them and did everything they asked. It all came out, bursting from me in a giant white light, as my vision became filled with a red haze.

There was a explosion of noise, like a bomb had went off, and I flew back with whoever had grabbed me, feeling us slam into the opposite side of the room.

An "oomph" gasped out of the person as my full weight slammed into them when we connected with the wall, then slid down it in a heap.

At first, I couldn't see anything. The room was filled with smoke and dust, reminding me of the fog machines in the haunted houses.

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