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"You love me again!" Colby yelled, and then started laughing, pulling me onto his lap.

I laughed with him, enjoying this playful side, as he started laying quick kisses all over my face.

"Yeah, I do, you dork! How did you manage to pull that off?" I joked.

He pulled back to look at me, smirking.

"Apparently, it's not that hard since this is the second time that I've had to do it. The first time was much harder. I think you're getting soft on me."

I stared into his deep blue eyes, noticing the silver ring flexing, and got lost again. Those eyes...they got me every time. It really wasn't fair.

"Maybe I am." I whispered, running my hand through his hair.

"Say it." He said, his voice deep and demanding enough to send a shiver down my spine.

"Say what?"

He bit his bottom lip, still holding my gaze. "Say you love me."

I licked my lips, a little nervous, and watched his eyes shoot down to my mouth then back up to meet my gaze.

"I love you Colby Brock. I don't know how and I don't know when, but from what I've been told, it was the first time that I saw you."

He smiled again, his dimples popping out and my heart fell to my feet. I was a goner. There was no going back from this.

Suddenly, a flash shot through my head, making me squeeze my eyes shut and grab my head in pain.

"Shiiiit." I hissed out.

Then I saw it.

"What is someone...like her...doing here?" He hissed out, after glaring at me with a look of utter disgust.

I watched the memory play back in my head, watched as I jumped up from the couch to leave because I couldn't understand what I had done to make this beautiful, asshole of a man hate me. Colby's hands grabbed me by the shoulders as he said my name.

"Chloe! Are you okay? Is it another memory? What's happening?" His voice was laced with worry, so I forced myself to open my eyes.

I glared at him.

"What? Are you okay?" The look in his eyes now was so much different that the one that he gave me in that memory.

"You were a total dick to me and I didn't do anything to you! How could I have loved you from the first time that I saw you?" I slapped him on his arm, in frustration.

I did though. I loved him, or was completely obsessed with him from that moment on. I felt it in the memory.

The overwhelming need to know him, to understand him, the fierce attraction that I had to him. That same pull towards him that I felt right now, or since I saw him for the second first time at my office.

"You remember?!" He asked excitedly, his eyes going wide again. "You remembered something else? Tell me what you saw!"

I couldn't help but smile at the excitement in his boyish expression. "I saw me sitting in the garage downstairs with all of your friends and Kat. Then you walked in, being a dick, looked at me like you hated me, turned into more of a dick, then asked Sam why he let me be there. Why were you being such an asshole?"

It was his turn to look embarrassed.

He didn't blush but I swear it looked like he should've been.

"I- can't explain that. I was in a bad mood and you weren't part of the group. I don't like...outsiders being around."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Outsiders? What, like you're a gang and didn't want me finding out about your illegal ventures?" My laughter died out as he just chewed his lip, watching me. "Oh..." I replied. "Okay then. Well," I didn't know what to say. "Did I already know this?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"Yeah. You took it okay the first time around. Well, mostly."

I nodded, and pursed my lips, trying to think this through. So I was dating, no, I was in love with a gang member, who obviously did a lot of illegal things that I was scared to ask what they were.

"Hold on, so everyone in the house is..involved...in this gang?" I asked.

I mean, I wasn't a prude, but this could be bad. He nodded, still watching me intently, like he thought I was going to freak out.

"What do you guys do? Guns, drugs, mafia shit? What?" I didn't really know anything about it so my question probably sounded stupid but oh well.

"We do a little of it all actually, but it's mainly protection to the big wigs of the LA underworld. The big ones behind the guns, the drugs, and the other stuff. We run trades every now and then, make sure that deals go off right, things like that."

I nodded again, and started twisting the rings on my fingers. "Okay...so, that's it though, right? Like, you don't go around killing people or beating the shit out of them? Or like sex trafficking. You guys don't do that, right?"

He shook his head violently. "No, of course we don't! You know I'm not that type of person. None of us are. Well, maybe you don't know, but you should feel it. I would never do that. Not the sex trafficking thing. That's disgusting."

My eyes went wide, noticing how he had skipped over the other part. "But you kill people?? That's not disgusting? Oh MY GOD!" I jumped up, facing him. "How is that okay? How was I okay with that the first time?"

He grabbed my hand, forcing me to stay in front of him. "Because it's not what you think. We offer protection, and only kill IF we have to. IF the people force us to by putting us in danger. Otherwise, yes, we may beat the shit out of them, but they live. There may be the occasional person or vam- uh, someone who has betrayed the cla- fuck, the gang, and we will have to deal with them but that's very rare. We aren't bad people."

I stared into his eyes, breathing hard. Even though he literally just told me that they kill people, somehow I was still in this. I was still just as drawn to him, just as in love with him as before.

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