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Didn't take long to find her number, but I hesitated before hitting call. I knew that I needed to do this...to be safe, to keep my friends safe. To keep them safe from me.

Sam was right. I couldn't control this most of the time. It was sheer luck with the Council.

I could actually make Colby blow up...not in a good way. I sighed, and pressed my finger to the screen, sending the call.

It rang a few times, and just as I was about to give up, a familiar female voice answered.


"Um, hey Melanie? This is Chloe. Not sure if you remember me but-"

"Of course I remember you Chloe! How've you been?" Her voice cut me off, and the tone she used, like we were best friends that hadn't seen each other in years, startled me a little.

"Uh, I've been okay, I guess. I was calling to see if we could start those lessons that you told me about. I've, uh, I've had a few problems with this...power. I think it's time to learn a little more about controlling them."

"I knew it wouldn't be long. You've got way too much natural power inside of you. I can definitely help with that though! You wanna come over tonight? I know you're kind of on vampire schedule so that might be easier for you."

I glanced to the window, seeing a little sunlight peeking through the dark curtains. I realized that I didn't even know what time it was...or what day for that matter. Shit, I had to go back to work.

Being the One of a vampire that I would lay my life down for, a witch that can't control her powers, and an assistant to one of the top publishers in LA, plus a furbaby mom, was starting to make my life extremely busy. I glanced around the room, looking for Prissy, but didn't see her. She's probably laying downstairs with Circa.

"Chloe? Still there?" Melanie's voice brought me back to reality.

I shook my head at myself.

"Yeah, sorry. Zoned out for a sec. Tonight is fine. I'll let Colby know. Is it okay if he comes or...?"

I wasn't sure how that whole thing would work yet. Yes, he was allowed to come a couple of times but that was because he did something for them. Wasn't sure how long that would last.

She laughed lightly into the phone.

"Yes, Colby is always welcome, as long as he controls himself around us. I'm sure that won't be a problem with him, since he only wants your blood."

"Yeah." I replied. "Okay, so I guess I'll see you in a couple of hours then."

"Can't wait! Make sure you wear your amulet. We don't need any distractions."

I looked down at the amulet laying on my chest, and picked it up, twirling it in my fingers. "I never take it off." I lied.

I didn't take it off much, unless I needed to.

"Great! I'll see you then!" She clicked off before I had a chance to reply.

I couldn't help but like the girl...she was just so damn...bubbly. I shook my head and made my way towards the stairs. As I passed Corey and Devyn's room, I heard Devyn groaning inside.

She sounded like she was in pain. I know that Colby told me to stay away but I needed to see if she was okay. I knocked lightly, then cracked the door, looking inside.

Couldn't see anything from there so I called out to her.

"Dev? You okay babe? Need me to get Corey?"

She groaned louder. "Chloe." She gasped out. "No, can you come here? PLEASE."

Against my better judgement, I stepped inside the room, and walked around the edge of the little hallway that was in their room. She was chained to the bed again, thrashing against them, her eyes black as night.

"Chloe, come here. These chains. They're bothering me. Can you help me?" Her voice was begging but I wasn't stupid.

I could see the hunger in her eyes.

I shook my head.

"No, can't do that Devyn. You and I both know, as soon as I get close to you, you're going to try and bite me. I don't want to hurt you or you to hurt me. I can get Corey though."

She shook her head and closed her eyes, laying her head back. "I don't want Corey! He's being so annoying with this. I don't want to hurt you Chloe, I don't."

She started breathing deeply, then opened her eyes looking back at me.

Her normal hazel eyes were filled with pain as she met my gaze.

"I'm just miserable. This is so much worse than I thought. The hunger is so intense and feeding only abates it for a short while. The only thing that made it go away for a little longer was whatever you did. Can you try that again? Please!"

My feet started moving without my permission, wanting to help ease her pain.

I stopped at the foot of the bed.

"Devyn, I'm not sure this is a good idea. Just let me get Corey or one of the guys so they can make sure that nothing happens, while I help you."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh my God Chloe, Fine. Corey!" She yelled.

I really wasn't understanding why Colby wasn't up here already, since I knew they could hear everything that happened in this house. Maybe the music was up or something. I walked around to the side of the bed, closer to her, feeling better since I knew that Corey was on the way.

"Can you go ahead and start? I NEED this to go away Chloe! It's agonizing." She said, her voice pitiful.

She pulled at her chains, showing me that she was secured.

"I'm not going anywhere. I can't touch you. Just PLEASE!"

I couldn't help it. Corey would be here soon. I nodded, and leaned towards her, placing my hand against the exposed skin of her stomach from her shirt riding up.

Before I was able to get centered and attempt to repeat what I did before, she was snatching so hard at the chains, they ripped from the wall leaving a huge hole. In the same instant, she grabbed my wrist, and yanked me back against her.

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