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"Just remember that she's not actually dead. She'll wake soon enough. This might be the last time you see her for a couple of weeks though."

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I hadn't actually seen anyone die or already dead, except my parents at their funeral. I had been sheltered from all of this vampire stuff so far, even with everything that had happened since Colby and I had met.

My heart felt heavy as Colby pulled me to his side and we headed towards Corey and Devyn's room. I vaguely noticed that Sam and Kat were behind us, but my mind was concentrating solely on praying that one of my best friends didn't have to feel the pain that was coming her way, and that she would be happy with her choice. We stopped outside their bedroom door, and just waited, not speaking for a couple of minutes.

I think the guys knew that we were trying to prepare ourselves.

Colby squeezed me against him.

"You okay? You don't have to do this. You can wait until she's awake and...stable. Devyn is strong. Becoming a vampire changes you though. It can change you completely. Usually, we eventually find something that makes us find ourselves again. We're hoping that Corey will keep Devyn grounded, so she doesn't have to fight so hard to find herself. You don't have to see her like this. You can wait."

I shook my head, and took a deep breath, glancing over to Kat. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale. She was scared.

Hell, so was I.

My face probably looked similar to hers in this moment.

"I'm ready. I feel like I need to do this. If this is something that I'm considering for myself in the future, then I want to see what it's like. Plus, I just feel like I need to see Dev for myself. Make sure she's okay."

His piercing blue eyes were thoughtful as he stared back at me intensely, his brow creased. Then he gave me a short nod without saying another word. He opened the door slowly and we filed into the room, Sam closing the door behind us.

I gasped as I took in the scene in front of me. Corey was sitting on the bed with Devyn lying across his arms. His face was grief stricken, as he kept running his hands over her lifeless face.

He pushed her hair back from her face, and kissed her before gently setting her down on the bed and standing up. Devyn's mouth was slack, and her body just rolled around like a rag doll. She was dead.

The nausea hit my stomach, and I gagged.

"Do you want to leave?" Colby asked as I grabbed my stomach.

I shook my head, feeling the tears trailing down my face. Her neck had two open wounds where Corey had bit her, still trickling blood. Kat was just staring at her, not speaking a word, with her hand over her open mouth.

"I thought that I would still feel her...like a part of her would still be inside of her, but it's not. She's just dead." I gasped out.

I brought my hands to my necklace trying to undo it, but I couldn't get the stupid clasp off. Right when I was ready to just rip it from my neck, I felt Colby's hands come over mine.

"She's not dead. Not really. She's still there. Just dormant for now." He swiftly undid my necklace and took it into his hands.

"Ooh!" I gasped, grabbing my chest as Corey's emotions hit me.

He was grieving, as if he had completely lost her. Tears were already streaming down my face, but then my legs gave out. I would've hit the floor if Colby hadn't caught me around the waist.

"If she's not dead, then why does he feel this way?" I sobbed out, pointing to Corey, who's grief stricken gaze met my own.

Colby hugged me, my back to his chest.

"Because she- Chloe, this is hard to explain. Sit down."

I didn't move, still locking eyes with Corey who hadn't said a word. This was worse than what Elias felt. This was the worst possible pain I had ever felt in my life.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, I couldn't think. My breath was coming in short gasps, my lungs burning for oxygen. My entire body felt cold and empty, except for the gnawing pain radiating from my chest.

It felt like I would never be happy again, and that there was no point in me being alive. I had nothing to live for. I gasped out a sob, and let my body land over his arms.

Colby picked me up, and took me to the chair on the far side of the room, placing me in it, before kneeling down in front of me and taking my hands in his.

"He feels that way because she is dead. He feels like he's lost his One right now. That won't last. She'll wake up. He knew this would happen, but it doesn't stop the feeling. Her presence is so weak that it can't be felt right now. Not until her body transforms. Corey is feeling what a vampire feels when his or her One dies. But Devyn is being reborn. He was prepared for this...or as prepared as he could be. Put your necklace back on." I shook my head, meeting his sad gaze. "Please baby. For me. I can't stand to see you like this." He replied, his voice going thick, like he was holding back tears.

I wasn't even sure if he could cry.

"I want to see if I can feel her presence first." I said weakly, trying to stand.

Colby sighed and closed his eyes for a minute.

"Will you put your necklace back on after that?"

I nodded. He helped me stand and walk over to the bed where Devyn lay. I choked back another sob, and sat down next to her body. I didn't feel anything.

Nothing. She wasn't there. I reached my hand out slowly, hesitantly, and placed it on her leg.

A feeling of peace washed over me, contentment. I sucked in a sharp breath and moved my hand quickly. The feeling disappeared.

Was that Devyn's feelings?

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