Protective (Richie X female Lucas X Brandon)

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Richie X female Lucas X Brandon

~~Characters gender switch name!~~

Lucas = Luna

Kit = Kaleb

Laura = Luke



~~Author's perspective~~

It was rare to find a female Slayer of any time. Dragon Slayers might be more common cuz they're more, slayers. There was enough to be no female demon slayers. And so on with other slayers. To everyone's knowledge there was no female cosplayers. But that's where they were wrong.

There was one female god Slayer. Normally when do you find a female Slayer in general. Your job is to protect them, their highly rare, and arguably the most powerful you can find. No one really knows why female Slayers aren't common. Maybe it's harder for a female to learn the Slayer magic no one really knows.

Even so it was rare for a female Slayer to reveal herself. It was safer for them if they stayed hidden. Bear wanted by many dark guilds for many dark reasons. Plus they prefer to stay in secret for most of the time.

But two deal with a Masters were lucky to know when their S Class Mages what a female god. She told them that she was the one. She trusted them enough to tell them.

Even with her being stuck in a demon book for 6 months. David still had no idea. He just thought she was a highly powerful water managed.

On top of this she was the only female in a guild. Besides Miss P and Polly who gets along with her really well.

It can be stressful for a girl to be surrounded by boys all the time. Sometimes she sneaks out and goes to random places. But her Guild Master soon follow. She didn't blame them. Because there's someone going after all the god Slayers currently. So no wonder she was when they rather be safe than sorry. So instead of sneaking out to somewhere else she would go to miss p.

Another reason why she was so okay with them following her all the time. She may or may not have a crush on them. Which may be the reason why she told them in the first place.

Let's go see what's going on.

~~Luces/Luna perspective~~

I was walking around the Guild Hall when I decided to go to the guild Masters office. When I get there I see Brandon, and Richie working at the desk. They've been trying to catch up on paperwork since we got back. Luke did all the paperwork. Ones that didn't involve a Guild Master signature that is.

Piston make it easier on them catching up with the paperwork. But I knew they were still ever working themselves, they haven't took a break since yesterday.

So I took it upon myself to get them away from the office! And all that work!

"Hey boys~"
I say entering the room as I normally would.

"Oh! hay Luna!"
Ritchie greeted as Brandon nodded his head in greetings.

"I was thinking we could go somewhere today!"
I say

"Sorry but we can't Luna.."
Brandon says

"We have too much paperwork to do."
Ritchie added

"So you're going to let me go alone into the city. Or someone wants to capture all the god Slayers which includes me. Plus it has been working at your desks all day, and yesterday I just want to give you a little break!"
I say pulling up the guilt card, or blackmailing them to go with me. But I know it will be worth it!

"Fine we'll come!"
Richie says that's him, and his brother gets up from the desk.

I say excitedly. Grabbing their hands, and leading them to where we're going.

×Time skips!×

We arrived at the movies. We going to take the seats in the back corner. It was one of the only one that had a single couch that was big enough for three people to.

"What movie are you watching again?"
I asked

"Pet Sematary I believe or another horror movie!"
Richie said

"Ow my..... I'm not good with horror."
I respond

"It's fine we're here to protect you!"
Brandon said which somehow made me feel better. And cause me to blush slightly I hope they don't notice.

Later Darren the movie when I got to the intense parts cycling on to Brandon, or Richie. I was in the middle.

But besides that it was a lot of fun! I definitely want to do this again! But maybe not to be a scary movie;-;

They walked me back to my house. I read them in for some tea. Thay except, they're sitting on the counter so I make the tea. I'll bring the tea over and set it on the table. And I'm sitting in the middle of them again.

"The movies are fun we should do it again! but, maybe to a non scary movie!"
I say they couldn't help but, chuckle which made me blush lately.

We shouldn't talk for a few hours.

~~Brandon's perspective~~

Eventually be put on the TV and started watching it. Sometime later Luna fell on us. There was a blanket hanging over the couch with my brother put over us. As he lay way down as well. They're both of my chest with my brother holding onto her waist.

He eventually falls asleep. I eventually turn off the T V falling asleep as well. Something me, and my brother I never told anyone was we both had a crush on Luna. Having her in are arms like this made it feel nice.

I love her so much, and I now my brother does to.



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