You can't leave

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Not rilly

depress? And convincing


~~Author's perspective~~

Bryan was setting on a water fountain. He was happy that his fiance won s-class trials. But he was sad, and disappointed in himself for not winning. But little did he know he was being watched by two particular Slayer.

"Maybe I should leave the protectors Guild."
He said to himself out loud.

"No you are not!"
This made Bryan jump. When he turned around he saw their Lucas, and Blake.

"Just because you lost the S-Class trials, does means you should leave your the guild."
Lucas said

"They love, and care for you they are your family, you can't do that to them. Over some stupid rink."
Blake said this made Bryan think. He thought for a couple moments before responding.

"Yeah you're right thank you!"
Bryan said giving them a general smile.

"Enough talking go to your guild." Lucas said Bryan nodded waving goodbye and leaving.l to he's Giuild.


sorry if it was bad I'm not going to do in this type of writing!

And sorry it was short!

But I hope you like it my little wolf pups and bye-bye!!!!

Fairy Tail Origins(FTO) one-shot {Not Open}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα