Inmo and the other misunderstood get their Revenge

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!🛑Morning major changes🛑!

~~Author's perspective~~

'I'm tired of it!', 'I can't take it anymore!' We're just some of the few thoughts going through Inmo's head.

You see he's been tired of everyone interims making fun of him, or bullying him, or thinking he is not smart.

To prove them wrong he came up with an idea. He knew you can't do it alone. He thought of someone else who might be having the same problem. Maybe someone from every Guild. 'Who is often misunderstood!' Inmo thought.

Inmo finally thought of someone for each Guild. He hoped maybe they will help. He decided to save the hardest person probably to convince for Less, though he was the first person to come to mind.

Inmo decided to go to Le Carnival first. When he arrived at Le Carnival he found the person he was looking for.

"Ha Cecil!"
Inmo yelled as soon as he spotted the boy laying on the couch.

"Oh yes Inmo?"
Cecil said.

(I'm going to say they met before!)

"I was wondering if you could help me with this plan. Since you're misunderstood, and I misunderstood I want to get all the others, and well here let me tell you the!"
Inmo told Cecil the plan.

"Sure I'll hope. It sounds fun, and I won't be useless word change.
" Cecil said standing up from the couch.

Inmo and Cecil made their way to the protector Guild. Where are they found, future Jakey( evil Jackie but to me he's ready to come off that way so here we go! Animal also say they knew him as well).

They toad F. Jakey the plan, and he agreed to help. Now they made their way to the last Guild Grimshade probably where the hardest person to convince is. They eventually found Viper and they old ruins.

"Viper we were wondering if you could hel-"
Inmo said before getting cut off by Viper.

Viper said without hesitation.

"Please let us convince you at least!"
Inmo Baghdad.

Viper said slightly annoyed with a frown on his face. When they started telling him to plan the frown went from being a frown to a smirk.

"I'm sew in! it's actually sounds like fun for a change. Tell me when I said that and I will kill all of you."
Viper said in a threatening tone with a hint of excitement.

"No worries Viper."
F. Jakey you said.

"Do you mind if we help?"
Said two voices coming behind the group. When they turn behind him to look who it was they saw, Mori and Monte.

"Are you 2 even in it Guild?"
Viper said grabbing his sheath.

"Yes part of Devils Tower-"
Mori was cut off by Zane who appeared beside them.

"I would also like help!"
Zane said.

"If we are allowed to help you cannot be approved or do that step on me thing it's creepy."
Mori said in a threatening, and ordering tone.

Zane said happily.

"So are we allowed to help!"
Monty said.

"Sure what's me at this location ****** tomorrow and we will discuss why we all are misunderstood! And get everyone back for it!"
And I said happily. Everyone agreed, and they all went their separate ways to meet up for tomorrow early was when they decided to meet up.

⏳🕘 time skip the next day🕘⌛

They all met up in the area. Basement a good 3 to 6 hours, disgusting whether each are misunderstood. At this point they all knew each other very well. They decided they would do this once a week. Every Sunday in particular because, of the fact there no one really does anyting  on Sunday, and no one's really expected to be at the guildhall.

After about an hour or two more they figured out the rest of the details, and decided to take are guilds to a the old arena the one that got blew up last year.

It was the next day. Everyone was there, they all talked for a little bit, and realized who all brought them here, they didn't know why. And then Devil's tongue appeared they got ready to attack but, then Viper, Cecil F. Jakey, Mari, Monte, Zane, and standing from the mall was Inmo.

"No fighting here is an ultimatum!"
Inmo said.

"What is the meaning of this!"
All the guild leaders and all the guilds shouted.

"Listen to so explain it to you all!"
Viper said in a Venom in his voice.

"We are tired of being completely misunderstood. I was the one who came up with this plan. I convinced the others to join me, and here is his ultimatum. If you all keep misunderstanding us, and calling week, useless, pathetic, monsters, stupid, or anything of that since. We will leave the guild, and create our own where we hope neither side we will fight both sides if we have to. But if you stop doing all that we will stay. You have an hour to decide will be waiting here."
Inmo said in a demanding tone.

All the guild leader started to convince the Misunderstood to say even the devil's tongue Guild leader ( who of which I forgot her name). They were able to convince the Misunderstood stay. They never said anything mean to them again. matter fact they appreciated them.

The end

Sorry this wasn't well anything's really that the person requested. I don't really know I wasn't in the mood to write anyting like abuse or anything like that, normally I would but, I couldn't seem to write it I don't know why. So sorry if it was really bad because of that but I I tried. And I really want to be at the shelter out today so here we are!😅

So that's all for today bye-bye my little wolf pups!😊

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