So here it is

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Fist I like to apologize again for how weird and bad my stories were. I was 13 maybe 14 when I wrote them and I was quite interesting at that time to put it kindly. I no it will make up for the past but I will be doing my best to make it better.

I was originally going to delete everything but, then I no that forever reason some of you really liked what I wrote so I decided to keep them up. But I have and probably will delete some of my stories that just don't sit right with me for one reason or another. Some of the storys were written before we learn some information on it was related to who, and those particular stories I went ahead and  removed. I think I got them all, but I might have missed some so sorry about that.

I have also decided on the stories that I wasn't going to remove that I am going to go though and edit and make changes on them. Some I might make longer as well. This process of editing and making changes will take while so please be patient with me as I do so. At this point in time I've already started but haven't done many of them. The oncs I have already changed will have this at the top of the chapter right below the title, Edited and Changed on Month-Day-Year

I also went back and collected the requests that I missed on previous request posts that I did, and if I missed your post I'm so sorry! Some of the requests that I said I would do and never did I'm sorry I think I went back and collected all of them if not I'm sorry! I lost a lot of my screenshots, (actually all of them) so I don't know which ones I already said I would do and just have it done, or that because I lost a screenshot I might never do and for that I am so sorry! But I think I collected most of them but I might have missed them. On that same note I might accidentally reduce someone's request like I've already done it, but I'm doing it again and for that I also apologize! I try to avoid that but I might fail at doing so.

So I have 17 stories I need to do, and that does not count the editing and changing that I'm doing. I'm going to try and get a good amount of editing and changing done before I start writing the 16 stories so it will be a while before they come out. Which is more of a wait for those that said I'll get this done as soon as I can and for that I apologize once more.

But that is all for know so bye-bye my pups!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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