I love you (Flurry X Richie)

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Flurry X Richie



~~Author's perspective~~

Flurry been avoiding Richie again. So she didn't mean to this time. She didn't know how to respond after he told her he loves her. She wasn't sure she felt the same way at first but, she did realize her feelings for him have returned. Though she didn't know how to tell him.

Richie decided to confront her. He was Sophia saw what he did wrong. He found her next to the farthest water fountain away from both of their guilds.

"Fleurette did I do something wrong?"
He asked in a sad in turn voice. Best snapped out of her thoughts. She looked at him with shock.

"No! You did nothing wrong!"
Flurry said

"Then why are you avoiding me?"
Richie ask confused

"I- I didn't mean to.. I didn't even notice that I was"
Flurry responded

"But why?"
Richie asked

Fleurette took a deep breath. She walk towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. He hugged her back. His arms around her waist.

"Because I didn't know how to tell you.... I love you too"
Flurry whispered in his ear. She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. Then nestling her head into his neck.


I hope you like it my little wolf pups and bye-bye!!!

Ps. Sorry it wise short!

(My Christmas Special will make up for it!)

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