Maybe there was more to the first kiss (Michael x Lucas)

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~~ Not a request ~~

Just got bored... and for some reason this Ship has been stuck in my head so~ here you go!

~~ Ship ~~

Michael x Lucas

~~ Type ~~

Hurt/Comfort, and Fluffines


(Tacks please I soloed...)

~~ Author's Perspective ~~

Lucas was sitting at the bar drinking. Blake had just broken up whith him the day before after hearing about the whole kissing Michael thing bearing the G&G party, and wouldn't hear his sade of the story.

There was a party to night. Blake had asked out David to go with her as a date he didn't what to go but, Lucas convinced him to go with her.

Lucas sighed before taking a nother drink. He heard someone sit next to him. He looked over to see Michael.

"O hey Michael..." Lucas graded whith a slight smile.

"I heard what happened, and I'm sorry." Michael said before he ordered a drank.

"It's not your fault." Lucas responded before taking a drank.

"It's not you fault either." Michael responded. Lucas smiled at that.

"So... how are you?" Lucas asked Michael looked at him.

"A little better than you I'm sure." Michael responded which Lucas nodded to that.

"I have a question of you don't mind Lucas." Michael said Lucas looked at him and hummed in response.

"Well you be my date to the party to night?" Micheal asked looking Lucas in the eyes.

"Are you serious!?" Lucas asked Michael nodded.

"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't." Michael responded. Lucas smiled a really smile.

"Yes I'll love to Michael." Lucas responded Michael couldn't help but smiling back.

~~ At the Party ~~

Michael picked Lucas up for the party. They both arrived, to see Brandon looking like he was going to drink himself dead.

"We really need to get out of here soon for Brandon sake he might drink himself dead literally." Lucas whispered to Michael who nodded in agreement.

"I have to agree whith you on that one dear." Michael responded he didn't my realize he added my dear to it until Lucas responded.

"My d-dear..?" Lucas asked blushing ton different shades of red. Michael couldn't help but blush.

"Y-yeah... sorry..." Michael stutter slightly over his words blushing lightly.

"It-it fine... you can call me that if you want..." Lucas responded adding the last bit quieter but Michael could still hear him. Michael couldn't help but Smile at that.

The party was going as good as it could until the very end. Brandon's and Richie's parents and little sister already went inside for bed, and so did Francesca. So that just laft Divise Magica, Viper, and Allomos.

Lucas, and Michael were talking to Brandon about staying the night, or haver longer they were there for, in the bar Lucas was at earlier that day. Which Brandon agreed to they we're about to leave when Blake made a secn.

"So we brake up 3 days ago and you go and start dating Michael! I now it! You where cheating on me with him!" Blake yelled/said she was going to slap him but Michael caught her wrists before she could.

"No he was not Cheating on you whith me whin you 2 where dating. You weren't even 24 hours into your break up when you ask David out to the party. So you shouldn't care who he comes here with. And for your information I was the one who asked him out!" Micheal said he puffed the last part before taking Lucas his hand, and leading Lucas, and Brandon out of there into the bar.

Leaving a very shocked group behind.


Michael, and Lucas were on there way back to they rooms for what ever left of the night. They came to they came to the past where their rooms were separate. They looked at each other.

"Good night Michael... To night was for the most part fun... We should do that again..?" Lucas responded then like a question added the last bit.

"Indeed we should do that again, and goodnight Lucas." Michael responded before Lucas could react pulled him in to a kiss. Before Lucas could decide how to respond, Michael pulls away and walks to his room.

Lucas dazedly walks into his room and lies on his bed. Before a blush, and a soft smile touched his face.'Maybe there was more to that first kiss then we both thought.' Lucas thought.



I hope you pups like it!

Have a good day or night my pups and bye-bye!!!


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