water and sky (Lucas X Brandon)

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♧not a request♧

Lucas/Loke x Brandon

A little angst and fluffiness!!


~~Lucas's perspective~~

Me and Blake are arguing. this is about the 100th time this month. I don't know why these arguments even start in the first place. The first time an argument happened in the morning. I was minding my business in the guildhall talking to Brandon. She came up to me and I gladly started talking to her. I noticed she were slightly distant from the day before. And I could tell something was wrong so I asked her about it. And she seemed to snap. She started yelling at me about things I don't even do and things I didn't even know about. To the point Davis had to get her away from me. If you don't know I'm really sensitive when it comes to yelling. And people yelling at me I don't handle it well. As soon as she was yelling at me I started crying with no control over myself.

No one knew why she was yelling at me in the first place. Kit tried even ask her the next day but, she blew it off like it was nothing. And this went on for the month. We couldn't till why, we tried our best to help but she wouldn't open up. Kit guessed something happened recently with her family maybe or something else. But me and the others doubt it she would be more open if it was the case. She never had everything before so this is just some usual. We mention this to flurry and she tried to talk to herself. Where they both came to Atlanta and eventually through similar backstories. But even so she couldn't figure it out. She just said she's showing her true colors. That's all she can guess she has no idea what's causing it.

Either way we are in another argument and things got heated pretty quickly. I was never physical with her in an argument. I don't even if shout back half of the time or argue back. She never really didn't got physical either luckily. This argument was taking place in the training grounds. I was just trying to train alone. But she came and started a fight randomly. Eventually everyone in the Guild came and gathered around. I guess to make sure nothing got out of hand. Or to break it up if I get too emotional, where I can cause a Toonami if I get to riled up.

"Ugh you're so annoying!! We're over!!!"
She yelled and anger as she slapped my face. I start crying immediately as her and hit my face.

She's turned off. I start to fall but before I hit the ground I feel someone grab my waist from behind. I look behind me to see Brandon, he stopped me from falling.

"Let's get that healed show we?"
Brandon asked giving me a slightly concerned and worried look. I was not used to look of concern in his eyes. But they also gave a loving look to them.

I just nada. I feel my body give out from underneath me I haven't got sleep recently. Threw through all the arguing I haven't felt sleeping. Trying to figure out what's wrong so I don't really slept in a month. When I did it was only maybe 10 minutes or an hour. And third their lack of exhaustion my body gave out. I could see everything silly clean blurry and darkening around me.

"Lucas are you okay!?"
I could hear Brandon say fully concern. Before I feel my body into the darkness to sleep. What he said was the last thing I remember.

~~Brandon's perspective~~

I look down to see Lucas has gone limp in my arms. He looks to have blacked out of lack of sleep.

"Is he okay!?"
I here my brother asked fully concerned. I look up to see the whole Guild was concerned. The only one that wasn't there was Blake. She gone nowhere to be seen. I pick up Lucas Bridal Style.

"He just blacked-out from lack of sleep. I will talk to him when he wakes up but, for now he's going to stay in our room is that okay brother? So I can keep a better eye on him."
I asked my brother he nods yes. Without a second look I use my magic and take us to me and my brother's room.( I don't know the spell was called, I just know Jupiter did it in Wonder recent episodes!)

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