So your lesbian, and your gay?

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~~ Not a request ~~

(I had this stuck in my head for a while, so I thought with me writing again I will do something interesting! So I hope you don't mind this is more to help me... get on rusted...? And back into writing more! And where it's been a while I forgot how to spell something character's name so.. sorry!!)

~~ Ship ~~

Lucas x Brandon

Blake x kit

Crack ships!!!

~~ Type ~~



Lucas, and Blake we sitting in he's attic. They both needed to talk about something important and in private. So they both decided to say what they wanted to say at the same time.

" 3 " They both said in unison.

" 2 " Both of them seem to be getting a little more nervous.

" 1 " They both take a deep breath inside simultaneously.

"I'm so sorry but, I just figure it out but I'm actually lesbian/gay!"

There was a moment of silence, before they both broke down and laughter.

"I-I can't believe that we both said the some thing!!" Blake couldn't help but laugh out.

After a few minutes they calm down.

"So no hard feelings?" Lucas asked Blake shook her head no.

"Not at all! So how did you figure out you were gay?" Blake ask questioningly.

"I realize not too long ago, I didn't realize I had a crush on him until about a week ago. It a really bad crush to, what about you?" Lucas explained and then he decided to ask.

"Actually pretty much the same thing I didn't know I liked her to about a week ago." Blake responded

They sat in silence for a little longer, still a little surprised about the conversation we were having.

"So... who do you like?" Lucas asked teasingly. Blake blushed lightly.

"...Kit..." Blake responded Lucas nodded.

"I think you to well be good to gather, you to suit each other quite well!" Lucas complemented.

"What about you? Who do you like?" Blake teasing him in return, Lucas blushed 10 different shades of red before he responded after he returned to his normal color.

"B-Brandon..." Lucas slightly Studdard.

"That is so cute!! You to would make the most adorable couple!!!" Blake practically squealed, making Lucas blush.

They both started talking about their Crush. They talked like that for about an hour before Lucas got an idea.

"What if I help you get kit? We can tell everyone tomorrow that we decided just to be friends, or more like siblings!" Lucas explained excitedly.

"Only if I can help you get with Brandon!" Blake responded grinning.

And with that the tears started to plan.

~~~ The next day  ~~~

Everyone was at the guild when Blake, and Lucas said they had an announcement to make. Everyone thought it would be in a engagement announcement. So they were quite surprised with what Blake, and Lucas told them.

"So I'm lesbian/gay! And we decided we were better off friends or well siblings!" Both of them said at once, there was a silence in the guildhall before everything went crazy.

"What!?" Both David and Mario yelled.

"You have to be kidding me!?" Most of the guild yelled. Surprisingly enough the 4 that weren't affected what's Devon, Plant, Polly and Miss P.

After a few minutes everything calm down. "What Devon, Plant, Polly, and Miss P, why aren't you guys surprised?"

"Me, and Plant expected they weren't straight. But we kept it to ourselves or we didn't have proof." What's Devon's simple response.

"Me, and Polly new neither restrict! It was so obvious!!" Miss P explained in her usual way. Polly nearly shook their head.

"When you live as long as we do, you can see the signs before they do so it's easy to tell. We knew for quite a long time oh, we also know who they like but we will not say for it is not our business to do so." Polly explained simply.

"Who do you to like?" Kit ask curious. Both of them blush, But shook their heads.

"That is for us to know, and for you to eventually find out!" Both of them replied simultaneously without trying to.

~~ 3 months later ~~

It was part night at the guild, both Lucas, and Blake had a plan for tonight. They've been spending a lot of time with their Crush. So hopefully be able to do this plants successfully. The both of them in there they would need a third person to help. So they went to a person they knew they could trust oh, even if they were a little crazy.

"Ooo! I can help with that indeed!!!" Miss P responded.

Most thought Miss P was crazy. But, in actuality she was not. Lucas views Miss P as a mother, and she abused him as a son. He knows her quite well, as she nows him quite well as well.

As a demon/devil she was quite creative and Sligh oh, and quite sneaky she knew exactly how to get there plan to work. And she was quite excited to help.

~~ Later that night at the party ~~

Blake was sitting next to Kit. Miss P decided to get everything in motion. She gave kit some of the tea the tea has a special affect unlike her other teas. This tea will for someone to say who they have a crush on, and we'll Miss P was anything but obvious. So it was quite easy for her to do so.

After Kit finished drinking the tea, Lucas decided to ask a question.

"Hey Kit it been a while since you talked about a crush, so who do you like?" Lucas asked faking being curious.

"I ummm... I like Blake..." Kit said before putting a hand over her mouth, and shock. She didn't mean to actually say who she liked. But there wasn't going back now.

"Really!?" Blake asked it was obvious she was hopeful, Kit couldn't help but not her head yes.

"I like you to!" Blake said before kissing her on the cheek, this made Kit blush different shades of pink. Everyone else but Lucas and Miss P we're Dumbfoundead for a second. Before they decided it wasn't worth the migraine and continued with the party.

~~ Later that night ~~

It was time for the second part of the plan. Blake convinced Kit to help her out with this. As the two secretly followed Lucas and Brandon, who Lucas asked to talk to him in private. They had a plan that they couldn't mess up.

"So Lucas what do you need to talk about?" Brandon and asked slightly curious. This made Lucas to blush lightly.

"Well I was hoping I could ask you something..." Lucas said slightly hesitating, this cost Brandon to be curious.

"Sure what is it?" Brandon asked.

Both Blake, and kit popped out of nowhere and yelled "Will you be his boyfriend! Will you be his boyfriend!" Repeated this at least in times.

"Blake Kit what the h¡ll!" Lucas explained turning different shades of red. Brandon was dumbfounded for a moment before he walked up to Lucas and kissed him. Lucas was sharks before he kissed him back. Blake, and Kit or silent listening between the two.

"Yes I'll be your boyfriend~" Brandon responded after he broke the kiss, Lucas couldn't help but kiss him back.


I hope you like it my pups!


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