My baby Brother

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A little London aka Luces X Brandon

I don't know what you would call this;-;

I may have got a little excited to write this one! I've always wanted to do this so here we go!


~~Author's perspective~~

Lucas just approached the group why Viper was talking to them. When everything went dead silent Francesca, and Lucas locked eyes. They didn't say anything they didn't move. Everyone took notice of this but, they didn't know what to do. They wave their hands trying to get their attention snapped but, nothing happened. Eventually this caught everyone's attention at the party. They gathered around seeing what was happening. Eventually Francesca walked up to Lucas.

She put her hand on his check rubbing it how an older sister would do to a baby sibling. Her eyes were filled with tears some were escaping.

"Welcome home... baby brother... Have any of your memories return? Since the accident."
Francesca asked sweetly. This made everyone eyes widen. They stood there in shock at the words she spoke.

"I-I don't remember you..... but what you say sounds so familiar..."
Lucas says not really shocked but, more speechless.

"You will remember in time!"
She says pulling him into a hug, she's glad his returned. When they broke the hug Lucas almost collapsed immediately. But Francesca caught him.

"Is he ok!"
Brandon said the first to break out the shock.

"He'll be fine it looks like he's remembering some of his past, his true past..."
She said her voice, loving, and caring.

"You mean to tell us this is your younger brother Prince Cal!?"
Brandon and Rich's father asked, him, and his wife breaking out of the shock.

"Yep! this is my younger brother."
She says with a small smile, sitting on the floor with, Lucas in her lap, or should I say Prince Cal.

"You mean the boy was originally supposed to marry Brandon?"
Brandon and Richie's Mother asked

"Wait what!?"
Everyone said minus the queen, king Francesca, and thr unconscious Prince. They were ignored.

"Indeed! I think we should stick to the original plan, and get these two marry! It might be more comfortable for your son since these two are quite close friends! I don't want to give up Brandon but, I think it'd be more comfortable for him!"
Francesca said

"Indeed I agree with you on that! You must alert your caretaker immediately that your little brother has returned!"
The King said

Brandon and Richie say being ignored again.

"One of you take him to my room to sleep? Why he remembers his past perhaps some of it!"
Francesca asked

"How do you know in the first place that he's remembering the past, for all you know he could be a different version of your brother!"
David asked in his normal attitude

"One My brother's version and your dimension is dead. Two his scar over his eyes returning!"
Francesca said moving his hair out the way to review a scar over his eye.

"Really? how did he get that scar?"
Kit asked

"He got it the same day our parents were killed in front of us....* Francesca trailed off for a second before continuing.* Miss.P I'm sure your know her. She's known as the only person who can use magic in this dimension. She faked her death over a hundred years ago. She came back to check on this diamonds. It was right after the -Aghm- *she cleared her throat.* accident, and my brother was dying. She said she could save him. All she had to do was taken to the diamond full of magic. So we allowed it. She said his remains would be ceilled, and he won't remember. One day he will be able to. But it would take years for it. And it looks like coming here has released a ceiling slightly."
Francesca explained. Everyone looked stunned.

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