Fire & Tea (Miss.P X Polly)

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Miss.P X Polly



~~Author's perspective~~

Miss.P was sitting in the front of her airship. Polly walked up behind her.

"Beautiful day isn't it?"
Miss.P said it's been 3 weeks and Polly's almost completely healed.

"Not as beautiful you my bear~"
Polly said lovingly standing beside her love.

"I have a question dear..."
Miss.P said

Polly asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why do you still love me.... I'm don't like how I used to...... I'm older and ugl-"
Before she could finish Polly cut her off.

"It wasn't what you look like, that made me fall in love with you. It was how we act and behave. Everything about you kept me intrigued and still does. I love you for you not how you look. My dear I promise to the end of time I will love you and I'm going to keep it."
Polly said lovingly. This made Miss.P tear up.

"I love you!"
She responded snuggling her face into Pollies neck.

"I love you to~"
Polly responders just as much love.



Sorry this was short and bad!😅
But I hape you like it and bye-bye my little wolf pups!

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