Lighting storm day 2

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~~ Ship ~~

Blake x Richie

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~~ Author's perspective~~

  It was another lightning storm day. Black and Richie are dancing in the lightning storm listening to music. Richie was spending and curly and Blake around in the training grounds. Talking, laughing, and giggling, all in all having fun.

As they moved around the lightning they didn't know this they had an audience and two people. Brandon and Lucas were watching them smiling slightly. Blake, and Richie had came out about a month ago during the last lightning storm did they go.

It was a shock and the system for everyone, pun not intended. Will maybe it is for the two who were dancing. They had just got married about an hour ago during the lightning storm. Inside the Guild Hall because no one else wanted to come outside during the storm. The guests were still inside listening to the music, and all partying.

Lucas needed to get some area was just too crowded in the guild hall, and Brandon wondered where the new married couple went so he went outside. The two of them met up in front of the Guild Hall. They decided to go out back to the training grounds, and that is where they found the couple.

You can still hear the music coming from the Guild Hall, through the storm so it tells you how loud the music is. Brandon and Lucas were just sitting watching them happily.

"How do you feel knowing that your brother is married?" Lucas ask Brandon just loud enough for Brandon to hear and not for the two who were happily dancing to here.

"I'm quite happy for him. I know how he is always wanted to settle down. I honestly think it's about time." Brandon said loud enough for Lucas to hear what the chuckle.

Both of them looked back to the couple watching them dance. To everyone else it was a shock that they chose to get married on a lightning storm day. But for Brandon and Lucas it just made sense after all it's what their magic is, and they did start dating during the lightning storm so it made sense at least them.

But all in all it was indeed a beautiful day in the lightning storm.


So I just finished this, and I'm on Thanksgiving break so hopefully I'll be able to get a couple more of these out if not get completely caught up! Though... from the last time I posted and you left the request there is a highly highly possibility I did not see in your request. Because it didn't send me notifications, or my phone didn't alert me. Which both is highly possible! So if you left requests and I did not respond to them please do leave them for me again!

But that is all!

Have a good day or night my pups and bye-bye!


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