a little date (Kay X Mario)

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Kay X Mario



~~Author's perspective~~

Mario and Kay decides to go on a date. Because they haven't been able to spend much time together. Mario just pick Kay up from her house.

"Did you pick for our date?"
Kay asks curiously

"You'll see"
Mario response

"Come on I can you tell me!"
Kay bagged

Mario responded

"You're no fun!"
Kay tease

"I never claimed to be. Plus I know you like it better if it was surprise!"
Mario said and  Addison.

"Okay if you say so!"
Kay said

They had just reached the beach. Mario grabbed her hand reading her to a picnic spot. The sun was setting, and watching the waves made a quiet romantic mood.

"It's so pretty!"
Kay said excitedly

"But as pretty as you~"
Mario said making Kay go red.

They had fun at the date. They laughed and talked for hours. Continuous time to get home. Mario decided to walk Kay back to her Den. Before Kay entered her den she gave Mario a kiss on the cheek. And with that the two went their separate ways for the night.


Sorry if it was bad I didn't really have any ideas for it! Which is why it's so short!

But I hope you like it my little wolf pups and bye-bye!!!!!

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