loving them (Richie X Lucas X Brandon)

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Richie X Lucas X Brandon



~~Lucas's perspective~~

I had a crush on two particular people. Though I doubt they'll ever like me back. So I try to get over the fact that I like them. I went on a date with Blake. I never really liked her but I thought maybe I would. it didn't work.

I'm currently laying in my bed thinking about my crushes. If you don't know who they are they are, Brandon and Richie. My guild masters. When Brandon went missing for a year, and Richie became a drunk. I thought those feelings would fade. But they never did. In fact they got ways. Through the time in the demon book they always came to mine.

I knew they'd be safe for my God if she was ever to take control. They were strong so I didn't have to worry. And she agreed she want to hurt them. Evil Richie or well The Demon King or was a devil King, I really can't remember. But either way it's I did that hurt. I know you have a child with flurry or fleurette. How I know your real name that is a story an old story find out the time.

I've been looking for her son among the Shadows. Most people don't know actually other than fleurette or flurry. Let's just say I knew her since we were kids. When she told me she lost her son when she visits her mother. I swear I never thought I would find him. I have many connections to dark guilds. I threw one myself at one point. That has been years everyone in my o dark Guild are still loyal to me. Honestly I didn't think they would write took away their family. Unlike most our guilt everyone in mind we're family not really family but how Divinus Magia is, is how it was. Which made my dark Guild different. Thought it was the strongest and most feared 3 years ago before I made the decision to disband it. Honestly I'm surprised they still accept me and look up to me as a leader. But they did tell me they understand my reasoning. And they would never blame me.

That's beside the point I've gotten closer to locating them. I know the man who took flurries son is, Lara older brother and he's part of Devil's tongue. And I have a hunch that Devil's tongues time age could have done something to the boy. I'm not sure what yet. I will tell her and Richie that later. When I have more information. But for now I need to ask her a question.

I got out of bed and I go to a flurry is. There is a couple places I knew she would be. Water fountain her guildhall or at the beach. My gut tells me to go to her guildhall so I do. She was there sitting on the couch. She was surprised to see.

"Hay flurry can I talk to you in private?"
I asked she gets up and smiles at me I gladly Smile back.

"Of course Lucas!"
She says happily in her fake voice. Though I can tell she was generally happy to see me. She leeds me downstairs and then to her room she shuts the door behind us as we start to talk.

"Did you find him?"
She asks in her real voice slightly sad but hopeful.

"Not yet but I can tell you I'm close. I want a little more information before I tell you anything else to make sure I'm right. I hope you understand?"
I say and then ask. She gives me a hopeful smile General happiness in her eyes.

"Of course this is enough for now to know he's alive."
She says happily, and her eyes are filled with life, and help once more for her son. I can't help but feel a smile coupon to my face.

"So you said you have a question for me what is it?"
She asks

"Well I like these.... two people..... you know these two people..... you knew one of them really really..... well...... I was hoping you could give me a way to maybe increase.... my chances of getting with them..."
I say slightly nervous. She got a smirk on her face when I mentioned I like.

"You finally like someone! Or should I say someone's! But you mentioned I know them who are they so I can help you better?"
She said happily in with a playful smirk on her face.

"......Richie and Brandon....."
I say in a whisper that she was able to pick up.

"Oh honey you can do so much better than Richie! But I can't change who you like I can try! Let's start!"
Fleurette says and a happy voice.

We spent the rest of the day talking. And I feel like I have good information.

"Thank you fleurette see you soon"
I say hugging her she got Lee hugs back.

"Of course there guess any time and be careful and see you soon!"
She gives me a smile and I gladly return it. Now I'm on my way back to the island.

□•The next day•□

I was sitting at the beach near the training area it is somewhat hidden area not too many people know it's here. Matter fact I think I'm the only one knows it's here. So it's pretty hidden. No one else to my knowledge is on the island. Little did I know I was being watched by two people. Until I hear someone say.

"So This Is Where You escaped to?"
I turn around to see Richie and then a couple seconds Brandon lands beside him.

"Yes it is..."
I respond they both take a seat on either side of me.

"Where were you yesterday? We want to talk to you but you're nowhere to be found."
Brandon asked

"I was at Lee Carnival talking to Flurry about something."
I respond

"What were y'all talking about?"
Richie asked

"The oath I made to her that I'll find her son and my crushes...."
I responded not wanting to lie to them plus I know they could tell if I did

"Wait you know flurry has a son!?"
Richie asked shocked

"Of course I do I know and I know her for many more longer years than you do Richie. You could say I knew her since childhood. I'm getting close but I need more information clarify to make sure I'm right on who I believe it is."
I respond hoping they won't Trail back to crushes

"Makes sense I guess you and Flurry have some to get close. And you're that close to finding him y my son"
Richie said Richie mumbled the last sentence but I was able to hear him.

"Yeah  I am..."
I give Richie a hopeful smile he gladly returns it.

"Wait let's backtrack hear you have crushes as in more than one!?"
Brandon said I can feel my face heat up

"Well I have two actually...."
I say slightly nervous

Both of them say in sink they said it kind of sounding nervous and worried.

"...I-I um.... well they are umm....... you two "
I whisper the last part hoping they grow hair. But as luck would have it they did. I got my eyes on the ground.

~~Richest perspective~~

Me and my brother look at each other and Shunk when we heard about Lucas said. We then got a smirk cuz we had the same idea. We both lie down and kiss their kiss on the cheek. We have a crush on Lucas for a while now. We didn't tell him cuz we were scared you would reject us but knowing he like us makes it easier.

Both me and my brother can see him turn into a tomato.

"We like you too and Lucas!"
I say happily

"And that leaves us with a question."
My brother said and then we say sync
" will you be my boyfriend?"

He looks up at in shock before a smile appears  on his face.

"Of course!"
Luca said happily



I wrote this chapter before the episodes came out where they found endless AKA Oakley. So that's why I went the way it did. But either way I hope you like it!

And that's all for now bye-bye me wolf little pups!

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