Ice & Earth (David x Mario)

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~~ Ship ~~

David x Mario

~~ Type ~~



~~ Author's Perspective ~~

Mario was haven't a guy panic attack. He accidentally walked in on David getting out of the guilds shower. The guil has it for the gim they have.

Mario was passing back, and forth trying to calm down. No one but, Lucas now his sexuality.

And thit is was he is in Lucas house passing back, and forth.

Lucas lat out a sigh, before looking up from the floor. Got up and made his way to Mario. He pont a hand on Mario's shoulder.

"You need to calm down. It's going to be ok." Lucas said in a calming voice. " Breathe in and out. In...out" Lucas said in tell Mario was calm.

"What do I do Lucas..?" Mario hesitantly asked.

"I think you should tell him... it might help... and if IF! worst come to worst you could just avoid him." Lucas explained

"Yeah... your right..." Mario responded trying to figure out how to.

"I'll help the bast I can!" Lucas said with a soft smile.


Mario walking down the beach. Waiting for some one. When he heard footsteps comeing towards him. He turned around to see David.

"You told Lucas you wanted to see me?" David said which Mario nodded slightly nervous. Which David picked up on.

"What did you what to tell me?" David asked

"I-I...." Mario took a deep breath before practically yelling/whispered in one breath. "Ilikeyou!"

David started for a moment. Before he responded. "I like you to Mario..." David said before pulling him into a kiss. Mario was shocked but kissed back. After a bit they broke apart for air.

"R-Really?" Mario asked a little hesitant.

"Of course pebble" Was David simply response. Mario could help but hug him.




I hope you like it!!

Have a good day or night my pups and bye-bye!!!


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