Dragon help they're panicked dragon

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My apologies to you too this one also got buried underneath all my other request!


~~Author's perspective~~

It was middle of one of the Dragonslayer meeting. Past memories came flooding back of nowhere to Bryan. The memories were good, and bad evolve in his pants, and he con't take it. He's started to have a panic attack. Everyone noticed no one really knew what to do besides Viper.

Viper calmly and carefully walks up to him. Saying calming things, and hands him an inhaler. Bryan he was the inhaler, and finally calms down. He hands the inhaler back to Viper, and Viper puts it away.

"What happened?"
Viper ask surprisingly in a caring, and slightly worried tone.

"Out of nowhere memories from my past came back..."
Bryan says stuttering over his words.

"It okay"
Viper says in a calming voice.

That day Viper stayed next to Bryan the whole time. To make sure that it happen again. The other dragons took notes so they could help if Viper wasn't around. They can't help Bryan next time.



I hope you like it and sorry of it was bad! And that all of now bye-bye my little wolf pups!!!

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