Viper get sick! 2

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Not really



~~Collins perspective~~

I heard from Alamos that Viper was sick. And were Alamos was out today I thought I would take care of him. Alamos went out to get him some medicine of Viper. I heard he got worse over the night. I knew it'd be better if I stayed with him until Alamos got back. I walk into Viper's room. I see him laying on his bed. He does look worse than I expected. I move his chair next to his bed.

"What do you want Colin?"
Viper didn't it sounded annoyed. If anything he sounded like he was in pain from the sickness.

"I came to make sure you don't get too worse, and watch over you, and help as much as I can!"
I responded he only some in the ground at this.

He normally would put up a fight or complain. He must not be too ill to even care.

I make him some soup later on. After this if I put a cold wash cloth on his forehead.

Hours later of setting sitting there with him. It was actually kind of nice. He wasn't trying to bite my head off. In fact he thanked me multiple different times for the help. Even him can be nice at times even if he has to be sick to do so. This made me happy. Alamos came back around midnight, and went straight to bed. I guess he was too tired to drop off the medicine. I stay the night in Viper's room. I stopped all the colors together and went to sleep. Early in the morning Alamos came and gave I bear the medicine. I stayed there till he showed some signs of improvement. I told him I'll be back later to check on him, and I left. I do with Viber acted more kind all the time. But it just won't be the same if he didn't!


I hope you like this my little wolf pups and bye-bye!!!

Ps. To lazy to spell check! Sorry if something's wrong or does not make sense!

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