help (Davis X Jazz)

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Davis X Jazz




~~Jazz's perspective~~

I was sitting in my room. Memories of my passcode returning. I didn't really know how to cope with it. I walked myself in my room. I thought no one can enter my room but, I forgot about the Lightning Dragon Slayer. Eho can start blinking. That is exactly what he did.

"What's wrong love?"
David asked concerned feeling his voice. Me, and him have been dating secretly for about 3 months now. He's able to tell when something's wrong. Faster than anyone else.

"I-I am spending remembering my past..."
I stuttered over my words he knows what happened to me, and what I did.

"Need help?"
He asked carringly

I respond

He got into my bed with me, and we started to cuddle. I told him everything that was wrong eventually I fell asleep.

~~David's perspective~~

Smile softly to see him fall asleep. Eventually I fell asleep shortly after.



Sorry One-Shot, and my other stories have been coming out slow! I've been really busy recently... but I'm trying to get them out when I can!


I hope you like it and bye-bye my little wolf pups!!!!!

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