I guess I'm in love (Brandon x Lucas)

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~~ Song ~~

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~~ Song ~~

I guess I'm in love by, Clinton Kane

~~ Ship ~~

Brandon x Lucas

~~ Type ~~



(Lucas and Blake never started dating in this UA/AU. Though Blake does have a crush on him. O! This takes place after the S-Class trials. Richie did die... and umm Lucas did still leave on his self-discovery!)

~~ Author's Perspective ~~

Lucas just came back from the self-discovery a few days ago. But he's been staying with Brandon in his house. Lucas doesn't want to leave Brandon alone more thin he needed to, and already has. Brandon has discovered some things about himself but he never realized before. And that is he liked Lucas.

Brandon, and Devin are sitting in Brandon's house at his dining room table, talking. Little did they know Lucas was sitting at the bottom of the stairs listening into their conversation.

"So you like Lucas?" Devin asked Brandon nodded. "And you just figured this out?" Devin asked again which Brandon nodded to as well. "And you realized you liked him since a week after he joined the guild?" Devin asked making sure you understood everything. Which Brandon nodded to as well.

"... ummm... well what exactly do you like about him?" Devin asked looking at Brandon curiously.

"Well..." Brandon started"... I'm obsess whith how he lays on my chest after he falls asleep on me..." Brandon said thinking about different times that happened and how he feelt about it.

"How he loves the thing I hate about myself... That no one knows but,  him..." Brandon admitted looking back to one of the scoring he got form Lucas about it. "But... I see hope whin I'm with him..." Brandon whisper quietly but they can still hear him.

Lucas was trying red, well Devin was trying not to squeal. Brandon sighed thin a soft smile appeared on his face.

"I'm a mess, I have a tendency to overthink little things..." Brandon said before chuckling before adding. "He helps me cach my breath but then... I  seems to always lose it again whin I look at him..."

Devin couldn't help but giggle at that. Devin smiled softly at Brandon whin a sure and thought came to mind.

Brandon gets confused for a second before adding. "Why do I get so nervous looking into his eyes... and butterflys in my stomach, when he is near..."

Devin smile grew a little at that knowing his thoughts was right.

"... This is nothing I have felt before... he is everything I want! That I did think I'd find..." Brandon admitted allowed for the first time.

"What if you have to wait to be with him?" Devin asked whantied to now his response.

"He is worst the wait... and all the years of heartbrokens..." Brandon admitted the last part quietly but they could still hear him.

'I know now that he has fand the one he loves!' Devin thought whith a bigger smile.

"I love the way he can't seem to find the right thing to say..." Brandon thought for a moment before saying more. "And he can't stay still for more thin a hour a day..."

'He is so in love... he doesn't even realize it...' Devin thought his smile softening.

~~ Flashback ~~

Brandon seemed to don't be able to look Lucas in the eyes with out getting nervous. But no one could tell. Not even Richie and he was standing next to Brandon.

~~ Later ~~

Brandon had this funny feeling in is stomach anytime he was near Lucas. Though he doesn't now what it means.

~~ End of Flashback ~~

"This is more thin I think I ever felt before... he is everything to me... I don't think I could live without him..." Brandon admitted quietly but both Devin, and Lucas could hear him.

"You now Brandon I think I now why you feel this way!" Devin finally decided to say.

"O? And what is it?" Brandon asked tilting his head to the side like a little puppy.

Devin couldn't help but giggle. "I know now that you fand the one you love." Devin said softly but everyone could hear it.

Lucas took a deep breath before deciding on something. He walked out from the stairs. Devin sees him, and smiles softly realizing feeling are retarded.

"I'll be back!" Devin said before getting up and walked past Lucas, and started on the - unknown to him - some spot Lucas did.

Lucas sighed before walking and standing a few feet away from Brandon.

"Brandon came close..." Lucas said Brandon jumped a little before turning around, and looked over to see Lucas. Brandon got up and walked over to Lucas nervously.

"...c-can I... can I be you home... for the good, and the bad..." Lucas said before Brandon could say anything.

"I know it's worth it..." Lucas said looking up to Brandon.

"This is nothing I have ever felt before..." Lucas whispered loud enough for Brandon, and Devin to hear eyes looking over to the sade.

Brandon copped the side of Lucas's face. Brandon couldn't help but Smile softly at Lucas, Lucas returned the soft smile.

"You... are worth more thin you can ever now..." Lucas whispered looking onto Brandon eyes.

"I know now that you are the one I love." Lucas said before Brandon kissed him.

Unknown to them at Grimshade Kit, Marsha, and Allomos are listing to music, and one song there are I guess I'm in love by, Clinton Kane.



I hope you pups like it!!

I did really want to do the other three songs you gave me. I didn't have a ship idea for them. So I couldn't really do them no matter how many times, I tried to pick the characters that would work I just couldn't see it happening with those characters.

But if you have more songs please late me now!


Have a good day or night my pups!!!


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