Split (Eden x Lucas)

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~~ Ship ~~

Eden x Lucas

~~ Type ~~



~~ Author's Perspective ~~

Eden has noticed around a certain individual he acts weird or feels was weird. He is confused because he never felt this way before, and isn't sure quite what it means. He hates to admit it but he needs to talk to someone about it. And they're only person that Edan comfortable with, and Trust surprisingly is Devin. Though he'll never admit any of those out loud.

Eden was waiting for Devin to fall asleep so they could talk. Once Devin fell asleep he pulled him into their mind scape. He looked around confused for a second before his eyes landed on Eden. He was going to say something but stopped at the look on Eden's face. He stared for a couple of seconds before saying.

"Is there a reason you called me here... And why you look like that?" Devin asked looking a little confused.

"I'm confused about something! And I need your help!" Eden said in a rush, Devin new whatever was about to be said was serious. And that Devin would never mention to anyone that Eden needed his help. It would be something they're both well take to the Grave.

"Ok... what do you need my help with?" Devin responded surprisingly quite calm so he didn't feel it fully. But that could be what he was doing from Eden. Which in itself was quite confusing.

"Well... When I'm around this certain person I feel a weird, and I act really weird. And I can't figure out why!" Eden three hands up in the air. Devin looks Dumbfoundead for a second before deciding to respond.

"... Well I'm going to need more information... and describe it to me the best way you can." Devin responded.

They sat there for a long time, over 3 hours or so. As to the best of his abilities Eden explained his feeling, and try to figure it out.

Once he was done Devin thought for a moment before a thought came in his mind. It made his eyes wide and when he realized what it was. For a smile bloomed across his face.

"Well Eden it sounds like you're in love! Can I ask who?" Devin responded with the answer to what Eden was feeling.


"Love... I guess that makes sense... I don't now how I didn't recognize it because it's the same feeling you have around Richie... but as for who... Lucas..."  Eden responded Devin eyes widen again before he smiled.

"Well... now we just have to figure out something else but I think I know who to go to!" Devin said which caught the attention of Eden.


"Miss P I- we need your help with something!" Devin said as he got on her air ship.

She appeared out of nowhere with a smile. "Please follow me! this way! we can talk in here! have some tea!" She said and Devin did.

"So what so you need my lovely help with!!" She said happily.

"Well you see Eden feel in love... I want to give him a chance with that person. But I'm in a relationship with Richie. So it would be weird since we're both too that people in the same body, and we both love different people... we were wondering if you could help with that..." Devin summed up the situation the best way that he could. Miss P nodded before grabbing some ingredients in making some tea. She then brought it over to Devin.

"Drink this! I should help with that!" Miss P responded

Devin was at first hesitant wondering what tea could do to help. But then he thought about it knowing her take and do some really weird things. Decided to give it a try and drunk at all. In a flash of light Devin, and Eden are separate beings again.

"H-How long whill this last?" Eden stuttered, which shocked Devon because  Eden never stutters.

"It is permanent! But if forever some reason it becomes a minute to come to me and I can fix that!" Miss P said whith a clap.

"Think you Miss P." Both Devin, and Eden responded in unisonly.

With that they both left to the Guild. When they enter the Guild Hall everyone looked at them. Before anyone could do anything Devin speak. "No need to panic he is no longer a threat. You well see why he is not a part of me anymore. On top of that he also very skilled weren't there for you as one of us!" Devin responded at the last bit Eden showed the Guild mark putting almost everyone to ease.


Everyone got used to Eden. But no one got as used to him as Lucas did. Throughout the week of Eden being his own person again. He gave Lucas presents and continued to flirt with them repeatedly. At first Lucas was really confused, and frustrated by got used to it over time and was okay with it. Though he was still quite flustered.

You see since the whole gaarden Fiasco few years back, Lucas had a crush on Eden. So he never really admitted it to anyone, or anything for that matter.

To day Eden decided was the day he was going to ask out Lucas. Lucas was alone in the garden near the beach. Eden they decided now was the best time as any.

"Hey~ Lucas!" Eden cold in his normal way but with a slight bit of flirtatious nest in it.

"O! Ello Eden!" Lucas responded generally quite happy to see Eden.

"I have a question for you Lucas~" Eden said Lucas tilted his head to the side like a cute puppy.

"Yes?" Lucas asked

"Well... whill you be my boyfriend.." Eden ask a little more nervous than he normally was.

"I- are you sure!?" Lucas asked looking hopeful, which put Eden at ease.

"Yes I'm sure, ant is if you'll have me." Eden responded

"Of course! I love you Eden fror a while now..." Lucas responded adding the love confused quietly but, not quite enough Eden still heard him.

"I love you to Lucas." Eden responded kissing Lucas on the lips who didn't hesitate and kiss back. Once they broke apart Lucas tackled him into a hug.



I hope you pups like it!

And yes my throat still hurts like h¡ll but I was bored so~ yeah...

Have a good day or night my pups and bye-bye!!!


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