A Demon Lover (Jupiter X Lucas/boat)

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Edited and Changed on 4-12-24

Not a requested ship

Jupiter X Lucas/boat


Cute? and I don't know...

(... I'm pretty sure this has stockholm syndrome in it, I don't honestly now I was 14 when I read most of this and I was really weird back then so yay here we go... and I'm so sorry in advance... honestly I feel like I should apologize for most of my stories I was 14 maybe 13? when I wrote them and I was very weird back then... So yeah sorry!)


~~~Author's perspective~~~~

It was the decently well day, everyone was on the boat while the Guild Hall is being built. They had a mix-shift request boards. They have been getting request recently where everyone knows they're not run down anymore.

Lucas decided to go on a short quest. That was only supposed to last for 3 days. That was about 3 months ago. Everyone hasn't even noticed that Lucas was missing, they just assumed he was on his quest or they didn't really care too much.

Lucas was watching all this happened. In a sell he was held in. Through a lacrima that was left for him, to watch them with. only people who were worried about him where Bleak and Plante. No one else seemed to care.

If you're wondering how he even got in this sell, in the first place let's look back shall we.


Lucas was on the way back from his three-day mission. He decided to take a short rest in the woods. It was a calm day, there were clouds in the sky, but not too many where it wouldn't block the sun. Birds flying around it was noisy in the woods, how the words would normally sound kind of noisy. The wind wasn't blowing it was calm, it was relaxing. Lucas was sitting next to a pond, thinking nothing other than a few things nothing bad.

As he was sitting there, he noticed the wind picked up. As it would if he was in the guildhall, and Brandon left the second floor. So there was a sudden draft, he stood up, and quickly looked around. He didn't see anyone or anything but, he could feel the eyes on him. He knew he was being watched. So he went into his God Slayer form. Hoping whoever was around would leave, knowing the factor he was probably much more powerful than they were. To scare them off, but he still felt watched. So he took a step forward and then.

"So you're Lucas~~~"
said a man as he grabbed Lucas by the waist. Lucas turned around and looks straight in the eyes of, Jupiter Brandon's demon. Lucas didn't know what to do. He was told if he ever came across Jupiter to run. But he couldn't, Jupiter had him by the waist.

"W-What do you want?"
Lucas asked with somewhat trembling vocie. Jupiter just smirked down at him.

"You know you're cuter in person~~, I think I'll spare you~~"
Jupiter said in a somewhat flirtatious way.

"What do you mean by t-that?"
Lucas asked more afraid then he was earlier, but yet was just as horribly confused.

"You'll just have to wait to find out in time~~~"
Jupiter said before he knocked Lucas out.

~~~~End of flashback~~~~

Lucas was sitting in the sell thinking. He was in the same sell that Bleak was holded in. That's when Jupiter walk down. Lucas was somewhat glad to see Jupiter. Jupiter was the only one who treated Lucas as a human being. And tried to make Lucas feel at home.

Lucas didn't know why Jupiter treated him in such a nicer way then the others. Minus being kept in a sell, and to be frank, Lucas grew a small crush on the damon.

"Come on I'm taking you~~ somewhere else~~"
Jupiter said as he opened the door to the cage. Jupiter held out his hand for Lucas to grab, and then he help Lucas across the gap. Lucas hesitated for a second, and gladly took his hand. They started to head up the many flights of stairs.

"If you don't mind me asking where are we going exactly?"
Lucas asked walking bayside Jupiter.

"You'll see~~~"
Jupiter's said in a flirtatious manner. As they continue to walk up the stairs.

Lucas said somewhat down.

"If it makes you~~~ feel any better~~~ you want have to stay in that sell anymore~~~"
Jupiter said trying to cheer up the smaller male.

~~~Time skip When thay get to the
very top of the stairs~~~

Jupiter open the door to reveal a master bedroom. It was fancy but not too fancy. Like one that you would find in a castle spare bedroom.

"This is my room... Well our room now you be sharing it was me~~~~"
Jupiter said as Lucas started to look around.

Lucas said somewhat flustered.

"The bathroom is through that door, and you have a new pair of clothes in the closet over there."
Jupiter pointed at the bathroom door in the closet door. Lucas look excited. As he goes to the bathroom, finally he can take a shower, and to get new clothes.

"I will be back within an hour don't leave this room."
Jupiter said as he walked out the door. Letting out a light chuckle at the human's excitement as he did so.

~~~Time Skip after Lucas takes a

Lucas walked to the closet and got dressed it was a nice outfit. They short was a crop top black turtleneck that stuff just about his belly button, the sleeves left the shoulder bear but Criss crossed around his arms to connect to the long fingerless gloves. He had a black shorts on with ripped netting on the legs, and a pair of red boots that stopped just below the knees though, the right boot was rolled down to mid calf.

Lucas just realized how much is he hair has ground. So he decided to put it in up in a braid a ponytail At top of his head, leaving the bangs to frame his face.

He left the closet, and he decided to sit on the bed. While he waited for Jupiter to come back.

~~~Time skip about an hour later
when Jupiter comes back~~~
(;-; sorry)

~~Lucas's perspective~~

I was set on the bed when Jupiter walked through the door. I stood up and greeted him.

"So you are obedient~~~"
Jupiter said in a flirtatious way.

"Of course!"
I said while slightly blushing looking to the ground.

"I do have a question~"
Jupiter said in a less flirtatious way but more nervous. As he lift my chin to meet his eyes.

"Okay, hite me with it?"
I say nervously and slightly regretting my choice of wording. Jupiter take to step forward.

"Will you be my mate~~~"
Jupiter said in a flirtatious way. This caught me off guard, so it took me a couple of seconds to respond.

I say nervously and blushing like crazy as I look into his eyes.

Jupiter said as he took a step forward. By instinct I take a step back. I feel my back it the wall, Jupiter pinned me to it.

~~Jupiter's perspective~~

I kiss Lucas. I was slightly surprised, when he kissing back. He rapped his arms around my neck, I depend the kiss. My  hands rest at his waist.

We breaks the kiss for air. After a few more kisses we get ready for bed. Once there he cuddles close to me, I put my I'm around his waist and hold him close.

I was happy to go to bed with my new mate. I won't let no one hurt him. They will have to go there me. I kiss his forehead as he snuggles into my chest, fast asleep, I go to sleep after reassuring myself that he's completely safe.


part 2?

Do you like this my little wolf pups and bye-bye!!!

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