Who said Lightning and Water Can't Mix 2 (Lucas x Richie)

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Edited and Changed on 4-14-24

~~requested by~~


Richie x Lucas




~~Author's perspective~~

~(The next day)~

"Hey brother, why don't you just ask Lucas on a date already?"
Brandon asked Ritchie raising an eyebrow at him as he studies his brother.

"I can't do that, what if he says no!!!" Richie says as he throws his arms up in the air exasperated. This isn't the first time and probably won't be the last Brandon asks this question.

"Just do it."
Brandon said calmly, with a face that said 'you're an idiot and oblivious' as he starts to walk out of their bedroom. Were Richie was pacing around talking about Lucas.

"I am not an idiot or oblivious!! and fine I asked him out!!"
Riches said with a offended look at his brother, before storming out of their room in a huff. Once he's out of the room he goes looking for Lucas.

"Always works like a charm."
Brandon whispered to himself with a small chuckle, and a smirk on his faceas he starts to head to their office to do some paperwork.

♡\With Richie/♡

Richie was walking around the Island, when he spotted Lucas. Lucas was on top of a cherry tree, looking over the ocean. Richie couldn't help but ask himself 'how does he even get up there?' and 'at least I know how to find him.' Richie uses a lightning bolt to get on top of the cherry tree.

~~Lucas's perspective~~

I was sitting on the cherry balsam tree, thinking about what happened the night before. I couldn't get the words that Richie said last night out of my mind.

I was watching the water, when someone sat down next to me. I look over and see Richie. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"So you like to come here often don't you?"
Richie asked comely as he watches me closely for something. I'm not quite sure what that is yet.

"Yeah it's a beautiful view, so I come up here to think, and get away from the people in the guild. They can be a little to much at times."
I respond to Richie's question calmly. I watched as he chuckled slightly at that.

"Yeah I can understand that...." Richie responds before looking over the view this place gives. "This is a beautiful view, But its not as beautiful as you~"
Richie said in a flirtatious manner. That made me blush and look to the side avoiding eye contact.

"O-oh..... y-you think?"
I asked slightly nervous as I flick my eyes back up to his and looked away just as quickly.

"Of course! have you ever looked in the mirror? you're beautiful."
Richie said in respond honest and kind. He has a slight hint of pink covering his cheeks, as he gives me a gentle smile. I can feel myself blush even more.

"I do have a question."
Richie said in a hesitant but honest voice. I nodded waiting for ask his question.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Richie ask slightly rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I love to!"
I say surprisingly at the question. But I wasn't nervous I was quite happy and excited.

"Grat! I'll pick you up at 8?"
Richie asked look at me in the eyes with a question in them.

"That sounds perfect, do you know somewhere we could go?"
I asked curiously slightly tilting my head to the side.

"Yes actually! I will pick you up at your house. It is casual so you don't need to dress fancy."
Richie said as I stand up. It was 7:00 so I had an hour to get ready.

"Lovey! see you then!"
I said surprisingly cheerful, as I get off the cherry tree, and run to my house.

~(Time skip)~

I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to see it was Richie, he was right on time. We had out with him leading the way. We arrived at a Meadows quite a ways from the island. There was a forest not too far, you could see it in the distance, as well as a mounting. There was a trail that led up the mountain, which Richie took me on. It was almost midnight.

"We're almost there just a little farther."
Richie said as he led me up the trail holding my hand.

When we make it to the cave, Richie kept a hold my hand and led me in. It was dark you can hear water dripping from the roof of the cave. I didn't like it because, I couldn't see where I was going. So I kept a tight hold on Ritchie.
I could tell he was chuckling at my reaction of the dark cave.

"Don't worry, it is a little ways farther, I know you love it."
He said calmly, which surprisingly, calms me down some.

Than we make it to the end of the cave. It was a hot spring, it was beautiful. Hanging crystals coming from the roof of the cave, that made it look like the night sky. It had multicolored different crystals everywhere, that glue slightly the color they were. It was very lit up and it was beautiful.

"Do you want to get in?"
Richie asked seeing the excitement on my face.

"Can we!!"
I say excitedly, jumping up and down as I did so.

"Of course!"
He says in responds with a smile on his face.

We take off our clothes, so they don't don't get wet, and we go into the hot spring. To be honest I wanted mind if my clothes get wet. But I don't want to have to deal with wet clothes on the way home. We swim around, and talking with each other it was a lot of fun. I slipped on a rock, in the water water. I fell backwards but, was caught by Richie.

"You okay?"
He asked worried as he looked me over for injuries. I turn around to face him with a soft smile.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank to you!"
I say happily, as I wrap my arms around his neck to hug him, he wraps his arms around my waist hugging me back.

~~Author's perspective~~

When they broke the hug, Richie arms rested around Lucas's waist, Lucas's right arm rested around Richie's neck, as his left hand was rested on his chest. The two didn't realize what position they were in. Neither one of them moved or said anything to busy looking into each other's eyes. They just stayed like that enjoying the embrace. The crystals were twinkling, the water from the waterfall into the hot spring was making a normal sound. It's sat a romantic feel.

Before the two realize what was going on. They both close their eyes, and Richie leaned down as Lucas leaned up, and they shared their first kiss. When they both realized what they did, neither one of them stopped but kissing just a little longer. They pulled apart after a couple of seconds. They smiled at each other with light blush crossed their cheeks.

Richie pick up Lucas. Lucas let out a high-pitched squeak before he wrapped his arms around Richie's neck. Richie sat Lucas down on a flat rock in the hot spring near the edge were they got in. They look at each other neither wanting to break the comfortable silence.

"Lucas will you be my boyfriand?"
Richie ask somewhat hesitantly as he watches Lucas reaction closely. Lucas lit-up with happiness.

"Of course!!"
Lucas said happily without a hint of hesitation as he pulls Richie into a kiss.


That is all for today my little pups.😊

Sorry the story came out a little late. Something came up so I had the Finish it.😅

Anyway I do have a quick question.😊

Would you like to see a part 2 of, the Mages That Make the Perfect Storm?
I have an idea for it but, I want to see if y'all want the part 2 let me know. And that's all bye-bye my little pups!!!😊

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