Saving her (Michael X Blake)

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Michael x Blake



~~Author's perspective~~

Black went on C -Class mission. It was supposed to just be a simple deliver this package. She successfully did it. But it turned into an S-Class Mission instead. She finished it but, she collapsed before she made it to the runtime. Michael found her and teleported her to his house.

~~Michael's perspective~~

I heard they missed organized some of the missions. One of the delivery missions were meant to be an S-Class but, it was missed ranked to C-Class. I heard Blake took it so I quickly went looking for. I found her unconscious at the engine still on guide. She successfully finished the mission but it took a lot out of her. I took her back to my place so I can monitor her.

~~3 days later~~

"Ug I had~"
I hear I quickly rushed to room.

"You are a awake! I'm so worried"
I say pushing her gently back down on the bed.

"How long was I out for?"
She asked seriously

"3 days.."
I respond her eyes widen in shock

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to worry for that long!"
She said

"That's fine. I'm just glad you're okay"
I say sitting on the edge of the bed.

"My Gilda!?"
She asked worried

"They know you're here!"
I say pushing her back on the bed again.

"You still need to rest."
I say

"I'll let them know that you finally awoke up."
I say starting to get up but she pulls me back into the bed.

"Please stay.."
She asked red in the face

"Of course"
I respond cuddling her.



Sorry that one-shot I'm posting are short! But I hope you like them either way! And that is all bye-bye my little wolf pups!!!

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