Air & Earth & Ice (Brandon x Mario x David)

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~~ Ship ~~

Brandon x Mario x David

~~ Type ~~



~~ Author's perspective ~~

Mario and David have been dating for a year now, and they both had a crush on their guildmaster. They talked this over quite a bit when they made a decision. They decided to try and ask out the Guild Master.

"What of he says no!?" Mario said still a little nervous.

He and David had been planning this for quite a while. And while they were waiting for their shared crush to show up, he has been pacing back and forth like David has been trying to calm him down.

"What if who says no?" Brandon asks just arriving here in the last sentence.

"Ep!?" Mario said diving to hide behind David. Making both Brandon and David Chuckle.

"So what did you to need me for?" Brandon asked tilting his head to the side.

"Me and Mario we're wondering if you would like to..." David said before blushing and looking away. Mario had the same expression on his face is David.

Brandon chuckled before saying "Yes I'll love you date you both."

Both David and Mario blushed more. "How did you that's what we're going to say!?" They asked in unison.

"I just know you too well enough." He responded. Before he could say anything else he was tackled to the ground and a hug. Chuckling and he has them both back.




I hope you guys liked it!

Have a good day or night my pups and bye-bye!!!


Fairy Tail Origins(FTO) one-shot {Not Open}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora