a day with the 3 beens 8

568 17 3

Lucas X Brandon
Bryan X Jacky
Davin X Richie




~~Lucas's perspective~~

I woke up to another round of morning sickness. Devon, and Brian were visiting me when they heard me throwing up in the bathroom. I told them this has been happening for at least 3 weeks now. They took me straight to the hospital I don't really know why.

I didn't really complain. Seeing as I wasn't in the circumstances to. It could be a virus, or something. That only affects me in the morning?

That doesn't really make much sense. But I decide to ignore it for now. The doctor comes and visits me. I tell him what's been happening. Actually I'd like it to tell him the others did. Also mentioned they also mentioned my weird food cravings I've been having.

I haven't really noticed them but, I guess they are right that I've been doing that recently.

He takes my blood. Thin doctor leaves, and half an hour later he comes back.

He says before leaving again.

I sit there thinking trying to put the pieces together. By this point Devin, and Brian are squealing. Send Devin says something that puts the pieces together.

"So it looks like we are both pregnant ha! what is the pregnancy we weren't expecting!"
Davin said my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach.

"I'm pregnant.... how is that even possible!?"
Luces asked/Yells

"I mean I am! But I can change my body parts to do so. Yours probably can be of you goddess! If I remember correctly you can take a female form. Because of her yes?"
Davin asked
(Not Canon this is how I match, and it would work! Anyway back to the story!)

I put the pieces together.

She wanted me to have a child so she made it possible to do so. Without me noticing with as possible. I have to talk to her later about this.

"So are you going to keep it?"
Bryan asked soon as those words left his mouth I answered.

I responded practically cutting them off.

Even if I wasn't prepared for this child, or exactly ready for one. It's my responsibility so I'll keep it. I can imagine you doing anything else to it.

"Are you going to tell Brandon?"
Davin asked

I respond

Bryan asked him and Devin giving me a sad look.

"...I.... Don't think he what want it.... or anything to do with it..."
I respond

"I doubt that would be the case!"
Davin said

"We're not even a thing. And I doubt he likes me. Everyone new Richie like do Devin. So we knew you would say yes because why we pushed you to tell him. But...... no one knows if Brandon..... likes someone let alone wanting a relationship! It..... it was a..... one-night standard.... and that all it was and will de.... even if it hurts to say that..... it true...."
I explained hearing the sadness, and grease in my voice.

"Of you say so thin I'll keep it a secret."
Bryan said

The three went home. Devin knew this was a bad idea but, he needed to find out for himself. He was going to ask Richie if Brandon was crushing on Lucas, and explain why he was asking.

Can you find Richie alone in is in his brother's room in the golden Hall.

"Richie I have something important to discuss."


Before you ask for another part this is a mini series, I forgot to announce it after I asked should I make it one!

It will go to my normal length for a miniseries which is 10 chapters, or episodes!
Or if you're lucky you might get bonus chapters!
Or even another season of it!

But that is all of now bye-bye my little wolf pups!!!!

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