Venom and stars (Viper X Jericho)

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Viper X Jericho



~~Jericho's POV~~

I decided to stop by Viper's room. When I walked in and I saw him meditating. He look to be stressed so I  sitting down across from him. Waiting for him to respond to my presence. It was a good hour before he did. But I didn't mind I knew he knew I was there. He's just taking his time.

"You want me to talk about it?"
He asked normal town.

"If you're ready to send yes~"
I saying in my normal town but, less flirty so he will be comfortable.

He tells me what is wrong, and that comfort him.

"I will get better soon I promise!"
I say and then gives me a wake smile. But it was still adorable.

"You are adorable~ you know that?"
I asked he looks away slightly flustered. He doesn't get wet this around other people. But when it's just me and him he shows a little bit more if it's true colors. Which makes me feel better knowing you trust me enough.

"Do you want to cuddle?"
I asked any now to said yes.

We get into his bed, and start cuddling. It was peaceful. Lucky for us no one else was in the guildhall for the day. So we could do this all day if we wanted to.

"I love you flirt"
He says bearing his head into my chest.

"I love you to poison!"
I respond

A couple minutes later he falls asleep. A little bit after I did as well. I love this sneak so much.



Sorry my One-Shots are showing! My Christmas special will be worth it though! At least I hope;-;

But that all of now bye-bye my little wolf pups!!!

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