helping a sand dragon

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Not really any



~~Author's perspective~~

It was anniversary for Bryan's parents death. But today was also dragging meeting so Bryan had to go to it. He was down for the whole day, and everyone took notice. Of course thay know the reason why.

When he arrived at the dragon meeting. He notice the others are sitting in a giant pillowsac in the middle of the cave.

"There's a reason I rescheduled a dragon meeting for today!"
Blake said sounded happily.

"We are like family, and renewal today is for you so...."
David said

"We decided to have a cuddle party for you! You're welcome for you today!"
Colin finished

Bryan couldn't help but, smile as he jumped into the pillow stack.

"You guys are the best!"
Bryan could help but happy. That he has such the best dragon family, anyone could ever ask for.

They spent the day cuddling, talking about random things crushes and like, eating snacks, and doing all kinds of fun things.

Though it was normally we've been a sad day. Bryan going to help with had fun today. Like they always said a dragon family will always have each other's backs. Even if they don't act like it.



Sorry if it was bad I'm not good at this type of writing aka comforting type of writing.

But I hope you like it!

AMD bye-bye my little wolf pups!!!

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