Lightning Flowers (Flurry X Richie)

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Flurry X Richie



~~ Author's perspective ~~

Ritchie was walking around the groundin of his guild. Whin he sees Flurry in the groundin as wall.

"What are you doing here?"
Ritchie asked

"O!? Hay Ritchie I can to ask you something actually!"
She responded

"Sure! Whut is it?"
I asked a little confused on whut it could be about.

"Wall I was hoping you will... wall... be my Boyfriend again...."
She asked blushing cutely

"Of course! I love to give it a nother shot!"
I said happily

She said happily

"Yes really!"
I respond happily

She yelled happily rapping her arms around my neck. I rap my arms around her waste.

"I love you Lightning~"
She says loveingly

"I love to Flowers~"
I responded loveingly as well.



I hope you like it and sorry it was short, and if it was bad!


That is all of now!

Bye-bye my little wolf pups!!

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