The lightning and the Clown 2 (Flurry x Richie)

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This was requested a part 2 and I need an idea for it so I decided make this request to kill two birds with one stone so here we go!

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This was requested a part 2 and I need an idea for it so I decided make this request to kill two birds with one stone so here we go!

Flurry x Richie


~~Author's perspective~~

Richie and Flurry have been dating for a while now. They haven't really told anyone yet cuz they didn't know the rest of the guilds would react. But that was in be blown out into the open.

Today was a all Guilds beach party at Divinus Magua. Everyone was having fun. this random guy showed up there in the party. Don't really know who he was but they didn't think you would cause any trouble so we let him be. And oh boy were they wrong!

Something in the party the guy started to mess with the girls. But when he saw his advances weren't working he would leave them alone. But he straight flirt with Flurry. It was obvious she was interested but he kept doing it. He wouldn't leave her alone. Eventually you tried to grab her. And everyone took notice as she screamed and scratched him to get away.

"I told you I wasn't interested!"
She said backing up

"Oh come on it's not like I have a boyfriend or anything! So a little fun won't hurt anyone~"
He said she could have backup farther but couldn't. Out of nowhere Richie appeared and stopped him from grabbing her again.

"Actually she does have a boyfriend and it would hurt someone."
Richie said with a snarl grabbing a hold of her to make sure she couldn't go anywhere.

"And who would that be and you drunk! if you would it hurt?"
The man says if they cocky attitude

"1. I am her boyfriend and 2. You cuz I would kill you!"
Richie said with a snarl stepping forward but Flurry stops him.

"No way she would date a guy like you! You're drunk even kill one of your guildmates! Check I bet you're okay with you I but she does too!"
The guy said with a laugh at the end. Richie backed up taking his word seriously and was obviously hurt. This made Flurry pissed. She stood for it and slapped the man his face.

"1. Don't go around saying that when you only know half of the story 2. Don't seem everyone hates him either 3. And I am his girlfriend and I love him dearly!"
She says a smacks the man across the face the second time. She walks up to Richie and kisses him on this chick. This made him smile with a sense of blush on his face.

"Let's go to the bar show we?"
She asked Richie nodded and leading the way. Lucas and Brandon and step forward. The rest of the guild behind them.

"We recommend you leave."
Brandon said as Lucas was repairing a water attack in case the man decided not to. The man stepped forward like he was about to throw a punch. But Lucas quickly hit him with a water attack sending him flying. To who knows where.

"Now let's get back to!"
David shouted and everyone did so.

~~Later that night~~

Flurry and Richie were walking the beach.

"This kind of brings back memories doesn't it?"
Flurry asked

"Yes it does..."
Richie said

"Did your mind out of what that man said no one hates you. In fact everyone loves you as a friend or our brother or father figure or father.... or a lover like me!"
Flurry said and at the end gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You always know what to say don't you!"
Richie said

"I can also tell you guys jealous and productive!"
Flurry said teasingly but lovingly

"Was not."

"Was 2!"

The night went on for a while longer but then Droid it being in each other's company.



Would you tell this is being jealous or over-protective.. ummmmm... let me know so if it was more overprotective or not jealousy. I can rewrite a different chapter for the request!

But that is all for now but bye-bye my wolf pups!!!

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