Ultimate Despair: Part 6

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Chihiro couldn't quite recall everything that had just happened after they left the gym, but the point was that he was still alive, and everything had gone...fairly smoothly. Just another thing he owed to Kyoko he supposed.

"Thanks Kyoko..." Chihiro spoke up once he was sure they were out of Monokuma's earshot "it's all thanks to you..."

"Try not to congratulate me just yet," Kyoko shook her head, not batting an eye in Chihiro's direction "the real battle is yet to come after all...That being said, I'm every bit as relieved as you are."

"How did you know he was gonna accept that proposition?" Mondo asked "or did you NOT know and were just bullshitting the whole time. I mean, it's all losses and no gains for the Mastermind, isn't it?"

"I definitely knew there was a risk of it going wrong, but I wasn't really...well...as you so kindly put it..."bullshitting" him..." Kyoko gave the cuss quotation marks with her fingers "and while I don't really believe it's all losses, she didn't accept because of what they gain. They accepted because they don't have a choice..."

"What?" Mondo asked.

"Come to think of it," Chihiro pondered "you HAVE been saying a few times that we'd backed them into a corner and had an advantage. Now, what did you ACTUALLY mean by that?"

"We all heard it ourselves," Kyoko reminded them "what Monokuma told us the first time we went to the Data Processing room..."

"Every second of this Hope's Peak Academy Killing Game is being broadcast, LIVE, NATIONWIDE, and to RAVE REVIEWS!"

"Yeah, he said that this whole thing was bein' broadcast nationwide..." Mondo considered "what about it? It all sounded like bullshit to me..."

"What about you Chihiro?" Kyoko asked "what did you think of it at the time?"

"We had other things to deal with, so I didn't really process it," Chihiro thought "but now that I've had some...let's say "Me Time" to put it lightly, I've been thinking about it and...Well, yeah, it's like Mondo said, Hijacking broadcast signals seems completely unreal."

"It seems unreal because it's something that doesn't happen very often...but the Mastermind pulled it off," Kyoko said "it's difficult, almost impossible, but they did it. Turning that around, it means she had some reason they needed to do it, despite how challenging it seems."

"A reason?" Chihiro asked. Kyoko elaborated.

"No matter the cost, she wanted to put us killing each other on display for the world to see. And this killing game...there's more to it than just killing us all off..."

"What do you mean now?" Mondo asked.

"If the Mastermind's motive was that she simply wanted us dead, then they've proven so far that they are more than capable of offing us all at the same time. Each of us have our own execution after all. But instead of killing all of us, the Mastermind set up this game specifically to make US kill EACH OTHER, and they most likely established the school rules for that very purpose..."

"Giving it some thought, you do have a point..." Chihiro thought "if not for the school rules that were in place, I highly doubt anyone would have killed anyone by now."

"So in short, all the Mastermind wanted was to get us to off each other, and then show that to the world...why?" Mondo wondered.

"More than likely..." Kyoko replied "as proof..."

"Proof of what?" Chihiro questioned.

"Do you know what the Ultimate Students are typically referred to by the general population and society?"

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