Boys Life of Despair: Part 19 [Class Trial]

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"WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Junko was the first to cry this out, immediately noticing Chihiro's change in attire. It wasn't much of an appearance change altogether, but with the 10 minutes Monokuma had given him, it was enough. He had ditched his skirt and his shoes and replaced them with sports shorts and trainers.

"What the-!?" Makoto seemed similarly taken aback by the sudden reveal.

"Wh-What is the meaning of this!?" even Sakura seemed genuinely shocked, as her massive frame trembled in surprise, her eyes unable to divert her stare.

"M-Ms Fujisaki...Was...A TRAP!? CURSES!" Hifumi squealed in astonishment and clenched his fist in rage at the same time.

"O-Oh my god! Is this like...A split personality from trauma!?" Hina covered her mouth, her eyes wide from the surprise.

"D-Don't tell me..." Hiro stammered "Fuji-Bean's been possessed!? NOOOOO! God, Buddha, anyone, please save her!"

"No! Please wait! It really is me! Here, I can prove it!" he waved his E-Handbook frantically around in the air as a means of additional evidence. Byakuya, the closest person to him other than the currently freaked out Yasuhiro, snatched it and uncomfortably fiddled with his glasses as he read through it. He read the info on Chihiro's profile aloud so that everyone else was made aware of the truth. He looked noticeably more surprised than Chihiro had ever seen him before.

"Chihiro Fujisaki: Ultimate Programmer...Gender: Male...I-I that's what this was about. Kyoko, the reason you asked to leave with Chihiro earlier...that was..."

"To help him get changed into a more suitable attire," Kyoko finished his sentence "I figured even if he showed everyone his E-handbook, it still wouldn't be easily believed. So I asked him to change his appearance the point home if you will..."

" were actually a boy?" Celeste asked, a slight scowl forming on her face "but in that case, why lie to us?" Before Chihiro could answer, Taka chimed in and came to his defense.

"I'm sure Chihiro has some reason for hiding HIS, true gender identity from us, but I don't see how that is relevant to the case!" Taka boomed "save these questions for after the trial!"

"W-Well...Not to cut off this discussion or anything..." Hifumi cut in "but uh...why does the fact that Ms I mean...Mr Fujisaki?"

"Mr Fujisaki is fine..." Chihiro smiled at him warmly.

"V-Very well..." Hifumi sighed, clearly his brain was exhausted, then clearing his throat, asked "why does the fact that Mr Fujisaki is actually a guy matter to this case?"

"Because if Chihiro is a man, he wouldn't have been able to access the women's changing rooms." Kyoko explained.

"Oh! I get it!" Hina exclaimed "if Chihiro really was a boy, then her...uh...HIS handbook would have recognized him as one, right!?"

"That's right," Monokuma cheerfully answered "despite his appearance, Chihiro Fujisaki is biologically male! Because of this, his handbook would only allow access to the male's changing room. If he tried to enter the girls, then you-know-what would have riddled him with bullets!"

"So Mondo and Chihiro really WERE working out together that night!" Makoto exclaimed "because they're both boys, they could exercise together in the men's changing room without the risk of dying!"

"In the very least, that explains why you always turned us down when we invited you to exercise..." Sakura contemplated "Chihiro, I am extremely sorry for my blindness..."

"D-Don't be sorry, it's my fault!" he said " really don't care? Th-That I'm a boy?"

"Well, it's not that we don't care..." Junko told her "I'm just more focused on the fact that you can't be the killer!"

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