"You're worried about me."

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Ji Xiuhuan thought about it before Yuean returned, and said to the commander of the First Army, "Go and do something else."

After listening to the clear picture and newsletter, the head of the First Army Corps turned his head and looked at Ji Xiuxun silently.

He wondered what was going on.

Although he didn't understand all the words, he understood the contents of the explosion clearly.

Ji Xiuyu did not change his mind. He looked at the commander of the First Army and shook his head slightly.

The head of the First Army paid a respectful respect and turned to leave Ji Xiu's office.

Everyone has a secret.

The teenager who was adopted by Marshal Kevin for no reason, it is normal to have a secret.

After all, that is the marshal of the real power who reads countless people. How can a child adopted by such a person be an ordinary person.

When Mrs. Ellie went out to shoot advertisements, she adopted such words when she felt that they were very eye-catching, just to deceive ordinary people.

In fact, Yue'an is really different. His combat talent can hardly be described by genius. Even when Ji Xiuyu was young, his progress was definitely not as fast as he was.

Based on this combat talent alone, Yuean has confirmed the speculation that the senior empire figures about the boy when Marshal Kevin said that he would adopt this child.

What a bad vision Marshal Kevin had, when Ji Xiuyu had just entered the core of the Empire, he saw that he was extraordinary. Now he is adopting his own son to adopt a son. At least it should not be worse than Ji Xiuyu. go with.

It is normal for such a person to have a secret.

It is impossible to know the corresponding secret because it is because he is not yet qualified.

Just as classified materials are classified.

Anyway, it now seems that their marshals are very clear about the secret of this boy, and the other party also trusts them very much. After all, even that new type of platooning skills has been taught to several army commanders without reservation, which is enough for the other party and Friendly.

that's enough.

The Marshal knows what to do.

Although Marshal Ji always did not play cards according to common sense, and occasionally made some deceitful moves on the decisive military discussions that determine the direction of the war, the decisions he made have never disappointed.

Just as Ji Xiuyu delivered his trust and gave him the trivial matters of the seven legions, as well as the commanders of the middle and below, he was very confident in this marshal who always caused him to collapse.

The commander of the First Army opened the door and went out. As soon as he turned around, he saw the aggressiveness of Yuean.

Yue'an was also stunned when he saw him. The expression of "I am super fierce" on the delicate young face disappeared for a moment. After greeting him very politely, he re-hung "I super An upgraded version of the expression "fierce" turned his head and rushed into the office.

The head of the First Corps tilted his head, and the last picture he saw before the office door was closed was that Yuean "snapped" a piece of paper on the table in front of Ji Xiuyu.

"I can't collect prisoners of war in the future, think about what role I'm playing with us now. If I didn't feel comfortable looking at it, let's capsize this time!" Yuean said, judging by his voice and expression, Seems to be a little scared.

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