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☆ 4. Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After getting up in the morning, Wei Changcheng stretched a lot. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered something: "Wendel, why didn't you see me get up today?"

After waiting for a long time, Wei Changcheng didn't either. When he heard a voice answering him, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered. Could it be that all the systematic things before were just a dream of his? But Wei Changcheng looked around and saw that this place was still in a cave and had not changed at all. So coming to another world was not a dream, but - where was Xiao Ke?

"Wendell? Wendell?"

[...Ding! Is there something wrong with the host calling this system? ]

Although Xiaoke's answer was a little late, it was enough to make Wei Changcheng relax. Unknowingly, this system with a long list of names seemed to have become Wei Changcheng's reliance in this world.

"I said Wendell, I've been seeing you for a long time, why did you just answer me?"

[Ding! This system strongly condemns the host's statement. This system also needs to rest. Please do not disturb the host when this system is resting. ]

Ah? Wei Changcheng's eyes widened and his mouth opened. The system also needs a rest? Just kidding!

"Ahem, um, let me ask, how long do you need to rest?"

[Ding! Since this system spends a huge amount of energy tearing apart space for the host to travel here, this system requires ten hours of rest time every day. When the energy is restored, the rest time can be synchronized with the host and becomes eight hours. ]

Wei Changcheng looked up at the top of the cave: "What do you mean, I can sleep for ten hours a day before your energy is restored?"

[...Ding! Adult humans only need eight hours of sleep a day to meet their daily labor needs. As an adult human, the host should develop good work and rest habits. ]

So Xiao Ke actually has nothing to do with himself? Wei Changcheng snickered secretly in his heart, but of course he couldn't see it on his face.

"Wendell, what tasks can we do today?" Wei Changcheng walked to the cave and asked casually. The system was silent for a moment——

[Ding! Task: Find out your life experience. Requirement: Use any means necessary to find out your life experience. Time limit: three days. Mission success reward: Orc Planet Brief. Punishment for mission failure: loss of voice for five days and the inability to communicate with the system. ]

Wei Changcheng staggered. Please, this task is normal, but isn't this failure penalty too unscientific? But now that things have come to a point, Wei Changcheng has to do his best to get it on the shelves. "Wendell, can I eat apples today?" Wei Changcheng said flatteringly, "Can you bring out a few apples first? Oh, there are also pears and mushrooms. I don't want to eat them raw." [Ding ! The storage space can be used normally. Please use the correct method to take out the required items. ] "..." After Wei Changcheng silently recited 'I want five apples and five pears' in his heart, the required items appeared in Wei Changcheng's hands. Squatting at the door of the cave, facing the light outside and stuffing all the fruits into his stomach, Wei Changcheng stood up and patted his stomach. He decided that he was not full, so he squatted down and took out five more apples and five pears. After eating, I felt that I was full. After breakfast, Wei Changcheng climbed down into the cave. The cave became quiet again during the day. Wei Changcheng heard no more sounds in the cave all the way down. Wei Changcheng thought of the large group of people he saw by the stream yesterday. There was a burst of blood smell. Could it be that those tall people were hunting? The more I thought about it, the more Wei Changcheng realized it made sense. People here couldn't help but eat meat, right? I haven't seen any animals in the woods near here, so they must have gone hunting far away. This can also explain why it is so quiet here during the day. Wait, Wei Changcheng felt that he had overlooked something again. What was it? Yesterday I met a man under the cave who had ill intentions towards me, I saw several men by the stream who didn't like me, there were obviously more men coming out of the woods by the stream, and finally a large group of people gathered around the stream. Man... Wei Changcheng slapped his head suddenly, it was a woman! No matter whether it was yesterday or now, Wei Changcheng did not see a woman. Even last night when he climbed down the cave to find branches to make a fire, there was no woman among the sounds he heard while passing through the caves! Is this a world without women? Wei Chang was confused. By the way, didn't the task of finding out his identity say that the reward was the abbreviation of the Orc Planet? It seemed that he had to hurry up and complete the task, so that he could know what all the weird things were going on here. But when it came to completing the mission, Wei Changcheng had another headache. It was obvious that people here didn't want to see him. How could he know his life experience? You can't just run up and ask directly, right? Wei Changcheng rubbed his chin and thought, and finally remembered the person he saw yesterday who seemed to have a crush on him. Didn't the mission also say that they must find out their identity "by any means necessary"? It seems that this person who seems to have a good impression of themselves can be exploited. It seems that that person should also be someone who goes out to hunt during the day. So Said it would have to wait until tonight. In this case, Wei Changcheng relaxed a little and decided to go to the stream to wash his face. He didn't have a chance to wash up all day yesterday. When Wei Changcheng almost reached the stream, he realized that there were already two people by the stream. He didn't notice it before because there were many trees and weeds here, and because of the viewing angle, but now he saw it when he was closer. Wei Changcheng Chang Cheng was hesitating whether to change places to wash his face when he heard the two people seeming to be talking. Wei Changcheng's heart moved and he thought it would be better to listen to what they were saying so that he could understand more. Wei Changcheng walked carefully behind the two people, using the surrounding weeds to cover his figure, and breathed lightly to listen to what the two people were saying. "...Yesterday they actually caught a kaka beast. It was really surprising. Kaka beasts are very difficult to catch. And I heard that Gena caught it alone." "Oh my God, I I knew that Gena was the number one warrior of our tribe, but I didn't expect that he could capture the Kakamon by himself!" "Yes, yes, it seems that Gena must be the next clan leader." "By the way, Gena We haven't gotten married yet. I think Kelly, the most beautiful and healthy one in our tribe, can be worthy of Genna, and I know that Kelly also has a good impression of Genna." "That's not sure." "Huh? Why? Is there a better young female in our tribe than Kelly?" "Oh, no, have you forgotten Vic?" "Vic? No, how can Gena marry Vic?" "Oh, no. , when Vic was able to stay in our tribe, it was not because of Gena's advice, otherwise the clan leader would have allowed Vic to stay. In my opinion, Gena is really interested in Vic." "This is amazing . No, how can the number one warrior of our tribe marry that Vic? But when you said that, I remembered something. Yesterday, I saw Vic." "Have you seen him? He hasn't always been He was hiding in the cave and couldn't come down? Why did he come down suddenly yesterday?" "Who knows! But from the looks of him, I don't know how many days he has had food. Maybe he came down because he was too hungry." "He deserves it . ! It would be better for him to starve to death. I dont want to see that Vic in our tribe. He shouldnt exist in this world at all! No, he doesnt deserve to be treated well by Genna! Let me see, its still We should drive that Vic out of our tribe as soon as possible." "That's right, that's right..." Wei Changcheng frowned and left the stream, not thinking about washing his face.

Wei Changcheng walked into the woods, sat down on the ground, and held his chin with one hand, thinking about what he had just heard. What do you think? Wei Changchengdu feels that the "Vic" mentioned by the two men should be him. In this tribe, there cannot be a second person who is hated by others and was seen by them yesterday, right? So, here I am actually called Vic.

The people here are already so annoying that they wish they were dead. Could it be that their appetite has reached this point? ! And that No. 1 warrior named Gena, has a good impression of me? Can I stay here or is it because of the favor this Gena begged for me? But the name Genna sounds like a man! A man has a crush on me? Wei Changcheng patted the goosebumps on his body, and the focus of his attention was "Vic is not good enough for Genna" instead of "It's disgusting for two men to be together." Has the world become open to this extent?

——Well, in fact, Wei Changcheng has subconsciously realized the answer to the world's question of "men and women." It's just a pity that Wei Changcheng, a student with normal sexual orientation, doesn't want to admit it, and keeps pretending that he is a person who buries his head in the sand. As long as no one pointed a loudspeaker at Wei Changcheng's ears buried in the sand and roared loudly, Wei Changcheng could be regarded as anything. I have to say that the courage is commendable! But thinking about it, when Wei Changcheng got the summary of the Orc Planet from the system, Wei Changcheng couldn't ignore the voice that sounded directly in his head and treat it as if he hadn't heard it.

Wei Changcheng thought about it again and again, and felt that this guy named Gena should be the one he saw by the stream yesterday. After all, with how much he was hated by others, Wei Changcheng felt that there would be no second person in this tribe. Feel good about yourself now! But if this person really has a good opinion of me like those two people said, maybe it will be easier for me to get words from that person.

Thinking of this, Wei Changcheng felt that he couldn't wait to see that man. However, the waiting time was long and torturous. When it turned dark again and Wei Changcheng saw a large group of people gathered by the stream, Wei Changcheng felt that he had spent a long time.

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