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☆ 44. chapter 44

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Chapter 44

The method of making cement given by Xiao Ke is very strange. According to Xiao Ke, mix warm soil and hot soil together in a ratio of 3:7, and wait three hours to get the cement mentioned in the previous life. Thinking of the troublesome and highly polluting cement production method in his previous life, Wei Changcheng felt his liver ache.

This hot soil is very strange. It feels very hot to the touch, just like you touch the hot water that has just been boiled. The plants grown in this soil are also very hot. The animals that can live here are normal, but Orcs rarely set foot in this soil. After all, orcs are powerful and not afraid of being burned. Next to the hot soil is warm soil, which is warm to the touch. What is even stranger is that even the hot soil has plants and animals, but the warm soil is bare, with nothing, even the animals living on the hot soil. They are also very afraid of warm soil and will not get involved easily. Not to mention the animals on normal soil, they almost never even get close to warm soil or hot soil.

Only four males went and took two baskets. According to them, Wen Tu can be carried back, but Hot Tu is really not good, so it is better to bring baskets to decorate them.

The four of them came back quickly. Wei Changcheng looked at one basket of hot soil and another basket of warm soil. Well, on the surface, there was no difference between the soils. As soon as Wei Changcheng was about to touch the basket next to him, he was struck by Roy stopped him: "Xiao Wei, this basket is hot soil. Don't touch it. Well, that one is warm soil. You can touch it."

So Wei Changcheng turned to the other side and curiously touched the so-called warm soil. Hey, this soil is really warm, it's really magical.

"We have to move faster. Over time, the temperature of the warm soil and hot water will drop." Roy said from the side.

It turns out that if you leave that piece of soil, will the soil turn into ordinary soil? It seemed that it was because of the land. Wei Changcheng had a few thoughts in his mind: "Okay, let's start now."

Wei Changcheng couldn't stand the temperature of the hot land, so he had no choice but to turn into a beast shape. The males could briefly touch the hot soil with their bodies, so the job of pouring out the hot soil fell to Roy and the others. Wei Changcheng took matters into his own hands - using stones, Wei Changcheng poured out the hot soil as much as possible. Mix it with warm soil in a ratio of 7:3. Both hot soil and warm soil are sticky, so Wei Changcheng worked very hard.

According to this ratio, of course there was more than half a basket of Wentu left in the end. Wei Changcheng didn't care about it. There was no shortage of soil in the tribe, so he just left it there.

"Okay, let's wait and see again in three hours to see if the cement can be made successfully." Wei Changcheng said, then he patted his butt and left, going back to have lunch. Well, I will sleep after lunch. After a nap, and then go around the ground again, the cement will be almost ready.

After the potatoes, onions, ginger, and garlic were planted in the farmland, Wei Changcheng only visited them once a day. He didn't pay much attention to them and left them to the females. Females are careful and more talented than males in farming. Wei Changcheng I just let the females manage it. Wei Changcheng remembered that every day there were females carrying buckets to the river to fetch water. He thought to himself that he should quickly get out the cement so that the water diversion channel could be opened. By the way, the newly planted potatoes would also It needs watering.

By the time Wei Changcheng had eaten, slept, and finished visiting the farmland, it was almost time. Wei Changcheng walked slowly to the place where he had just made cement. As soon as he got close, he saw Roy, Allen, and Boris. People are crowding around the cement.

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