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☆ 62. Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Since there has been a dispute with the Bainiao Tribe, Wei Changcheng will certainly not be arrogant enough to think that the Bainiao Tribe will just let it go. Just in case, he still needs to be prepared.

The rain set has reached the second half of the stage, and some tribes that have exchanged all the items they brought have already left. In addition to the four major tribes, there are also some larger tribes, oh, and the Bainiao tribe.

Just a short gathering was far from achieving the goal of the orcs learning everything from the Eastern Tribe. Daniel said that by tomorrow Fengyue, orcs from many tribes would definitely come to the Eastern Tribe to learn. Wei Changcheng didn't care. In short, he couldn't just go to other tribes and teach them one by one.

There are many people from large tribes, naturally because they bring more items. With more items, the transaction time will not be short. If in the past, they were eager to return to the tribe, now they are eager to stay.

They also hope that the eastern tribes can personally teach them how to make dried meat. That's right, it's dried meat. The snowy moon is coming soon. What's important is food, not things like baskets and stone axes. Rather than returning to the tribe to figure it out on their own, which may not necessarily lead to success, they hope to succeed with the help of the eastern tribe, so that they can directly make the dried meat when they return to the tribe.

Wei Changcheng agreed. Although most of the people who made dried meat were females and the males were busy hunting, there were still males in the tribe who stayed to protect the females. Naturally, these males could not do nothing. Of course, we also have to help with the dried meat. In the team of nearly a hundred males, there are many males who can do it, and Daniel can also do it. There is really nothing to worry about. Wei Changcheng still did not show up, and almost most people did not notice Wei Changcheng's existence. After all, a thin person in a team of 100 people was definitely not what most people paid attention to.

In the past, it was always not too late for the Bird Tribe to leave, but this year they have not left yet. They say that they continue to exchange animal skins because they are not enough. The real purpose is not clear.

As mentioned before, the northern tribe is the organizer of this years rain gathering, and the organizer of the rain gathering every year is the tribes chief. Therefore, the chief of the northern tribe is still here. Similarly, the chief of the northern tribe is here. There are also the most people.

The leader of the northern tribe is called Hobot. When Wei Changcheng saw him, his first instinct was that this man was a good old man with a smile! People like this will always make people like him unconsciously, and Wei Changcheng is no exception.

"Your eastern tribe has been in a lot of limelight this year. It's really amazing that you can discover so many things and figure out how to make this dried meat." Hobot squinted his eyes and smiled, his tone filled with excitement. Full of praise, as one of the four major tribes, the northern tribe is the most hospitable and least hostile to other tribes. Not only are the small tribes willing to interact with the northern tribes, but the other three major tribes are also hostile to the northern tribes. The tribe also has a lot of goodwill.

Daniel rubbed his head in embarrassment. Daniel knew Hobot. When he was traveling, Daniel went in the direction of the northern tribe. He also stayed in the northern tribe for a while, and his impression of Hobot was also different. Very good: "Chief Hobot, thank you for your compliment. I owe all of this to my tribe. They all came up with this."

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