D11 Female - Noelle Jenkins

424 7 11

Name: Noelle Jenkins

Age: 12

District: 11

Hair Colour: Wild, untamed blonde curls that hang around her face

Eye Colour: Piercing blue

Celebrity Look-A-Like: Elle Fanning

Personality: Violet, fierce, childlike and psychotic all at once. Speaks with incorrect grammar and a Ukrainian accent, e.g. 'I no like you.' She is extremely difficult to sneak up on, and is very good at dodging. She fantasises about torturing people. On one hand, Noelle is very violent and psychotic. But she does a softer, more childlike side. She is very awkward and antisocial

Background: Her family was extremely religious and, after realising that bad things always seemed to happen around Noelle, they locked her up in their house when she was 4, believing that she was the reincarnation of the devil. Noelle never left home, and barely ever left her bedroom. This is why her speaking is so poor and underdeveloped - she was locked away for so many years that she never got to properly learn. Her accent derived from her parents. Her parents abused her at home, mainly her father, who whenever Noelle did something he didn't like, he would cut her and tell her that 'he was doing it for her own good'. She slowly went insane being locked away, to the point where she fantasised about murdering strangers (derived from a hatred of her parents). When the reaping occurred, Noelle was let outside for the first time in 8 years

Family: A mother and father (abusive and extremely religious)

Career?: No

Why You Volunteered: Reaped

Alliance: None, she's a lone wolf

District Token: None

Weapon Of Choice: Knives and rope, but she can use most weapons

Physical Description: Small with wild, crazy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She has no freckles, and has extremely pale skin from living inside her whole life

Motivation: She fantasises about torturing people and wants to torture people in the Games

Tribute Owner: @sk8rgirl919

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