Not Good Enough

149 4 9

Alright guys, I'm really annoyed for a few reasons. The way this task has been completed isn't fair to anyone, not to those who actually want to do the Games, and not fair to me. Come on, it's almost over. Suck it up, and finish off the tasks.

1. Two people have handed in. Two. And it's 3 days past the due date. I gave a new deadline, and that's four days from now. I expect all entries in. Anyone who doesn't hand in will be eliminated. I'm not going to give extensions on the last day, and I'm so over being nice when you guys won't show me the simple kindness of handing in your work. Not good enough.

2. Barely anyone has contacted me about why they haven't turned in! I've received messages from 3 people. Three. Please contact me about the state of your entry, even if you haven't started. I promise I won't be mad, but I will be if you don't hand in before the new due date.

3. Please don't come up with lame excuses on the last day. I won't be kind when I reply, so please don't make me the enemy here. I'm just trying to finish the Games. Nothing like:

Oh, I'm going to camp for a week. Can I please have an extension until I'm back?

No you can't. You should've done the task on time, or let me know you were going on camp. I'm sorry, but your tribute will be eliminated if you don't hand in before you go to camp.

And just so you know, that's my cat up there ^. I really wanted to put a photo in haha, so I chose that one.

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