Valentine's Day - Charles Leclerc

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A/N wow did not realize how much time skipping would be involved in this, sorry about that friends 😅

2020 meant a lot of changes in not only your life but also Charles'. Having to adapt on the fly when every country in the world was shut down was hard at first, but with a lot of help you were able to stay employed while working from home. For your race car driving boyfriend it was a whole different battle, Grand Prix weekends getting cancelled or postponed frequently leaving him without his favourite thing to do. The complicated predicament had you working most days of the week, and Charles trying to stay sharp for whenever the Formula 1 season would begin if it ever did.

When he finally got the call about a shorter race schedule you could see the weight lift off of his shoulders. The week after the call Charles gets called in to start prep with Ferrari meaning that you would be left alone in Monte Carlo. The Monaco native reassured you that he would call and FaceTime whenever possible and drops a lengthy kiss to your lips before leaving your apartment to get on a flight to Italy.


Many months go by, your success at work rising and Charles' success on the track increasing too. You watched all of his races from your apartment wearing his Ferrari hoodie which he let you keep. Many phone calls, texts and video chats later the season comes to an end letting you see Charles in person after only seeing him through a screen. When he first walked into your apartment at the beginning of his winter break you shower him with kisses warning some laughs and smiles as he brought you into him tightly.

Before you know it Christmas comes around followed by New Year's meaning a reason to dress up while doing video calls with both of your families. Charles makes sure to keep a smile on your face even when work gets hard or something annoys you. His insistence of staying at your place while he doesn't need to be at the track gives you a nice idea of your future with the race car driver even if it feels too soon to be thinking about stuff like that.

Charles is once again called in when February rolls around, you let him go with a smile knowing that being in a car makes him the happiest. The long stretches of being apart is always tough for you but especially when Valentine's Day approaches, the only possibility while he's away is a virtual date for the occasion.

The day of the special occasion arrives and you spend the day preparing the table for the dinner date. You're glad that Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday because work won't interfere with any plans with Charles. The occasion has you sliding into a silky red dress that goes down to your mid thigh with a neckline that's drops low enough to show off some cleavage, you also find yourself putting on a full face of makeup knowing that you haven't done so in months. Once you're all ready you walk back into your kitchen to plate up the food you made earlier. When you put down the plate on the table you grab a lighter to ignite the candle you put out to make the atmosphere more appropriate for the occasion. You smile proud of what you put together for the evening.

The laptop you set up let's out the ringtone associated with FaceTime making you grin while you sit down to accept the call. Charles appears on your screen wearing a suit and tie, "Bonne St Valentin Y/N" you blow him a kiss "toi aussi Mr Leclerc" you reply in your best French making him smile. "I'm jealous your food looks better than mine" you let out a laugh, "I had more time to prepare" he sighs, "yeah you're right" you pick up your wine glass to toast, "wait I'll be right back" you nod and watch him get out of the frame. Suddenly a knock sounds on your apartment door, you put down your glass figuring you could answer the door before Charles gets back.

You open the door and let out a gasp when you see your boyfriend standing in front of you. Tears well up in your eyes making the smile on his face drop slightly, "non ma chérie" he exclaims, you giggle before pulling him into a hug, "they're happy tears Charles" you say into his ear, he winds his arms around you, "je t'aime" he mumbles into your hair. You move away from him slightly to pull his lips down to yours, he brings a hand into your hair before gently walking to two of you into the apartment closing the door behind him.

Once you have greeted him sufficiently you pull him to little dinner table that is still set up for Valentine's Day. "Wow it looks so much better in person" you smile, "sit I'll make a plate for you" he grins and slides into the vacant chair. You go into the little kitchen in your apartment quickly plating up another serving of dinner, placing it in front of Charles minutes later. He takes your wrist when you go to move to your seat, "merci" he tells you bringing a smile to your face, you lower your head pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, "your welcome" you murmur before sitting across from him. "So weren't you supposed to be training in Italy this weekend?" you ask while taking your wine glass in your hand, "yeah but I finished a day early so I wanted to spend today with you" he explains, "how did you pull this off?" he smiles, "I had some help" you smile as well before lifting your glass towards his. "Happy Valentine's Day Charles" you say, he lifts his glass looking into my eyes, "Happy Valentine's Day Y/N, I hope to spend many more with you" he says as you tap glasses before taking a sip, gazes locked the whole time.

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