Drunk Confession 2 - Mason Mount

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The moment you accept Mason's call you feel immediate shame and embarrassment. He doesn't need to say anything for you to feel that way. "Y/N" he says in a tone that makes you drop your gaze to the floor, "I know I fucked up you don't have to tell me that" you mumble. "I wasn't going to say anything I'm just worried about you" he replies so you sit on the bed you were using last night. "Y/F/N said I called you, I'm sure that message told you everything you need to know about how I'm feeling" he sighs and you can imagine him raking his fingers through his hair, "what brought this on?" you huff then lay back on the bed, "all the stupid World Cup talk centred around England made me think of you and I wanted to forget the fact that we aren't together for such a huge event so I went clubbing and I'm sure you can fill in the blanks, especially with those photos of me" you explain.

"What photos?" he asks protectively, you blow out some air in response. "The ones of me nearly coming out of my top and the ones of me dancing on tables at several different clubs, you know the usual stuff I would do on a night out" you explain nonchalantly. He lets out a quiet growl and your body can't help but wake up to the sound you've only ever heard when the footballer is extremely pissed off. "I shouldn't have said anything, you need to focus on football right now" he huffs and you know that he's probably frowning, "the moment I heard your drunk message I lost focus" you curse silently then shake your head. "I really fucked up I'm truly so sorry" you ramble because you feel awful.

"I'm going to fix this Y/N" he explains and ignores your apology. "No you don't have to Mase, I'm just going to lay low for a couple of days" you plead because you don't want to be a burden. "The girl that I love is splashed across the gossip rags, I'm not going to let them get away with this" he says with a tone that doesn't leave room for argument. Your heart squeezes at his subtle confession, "thank you Mase" he sighs quietly so you bite your lip, "I'm done with this break too Y/N" he explains and you hear the exhaustion in his voice. Your mouth lifts into its first genuine smile in who knows how long at his words. "Once you're done kicking the paps asses please do the same to France, Griezmann drives me crazy with his dramatics" Mason laughs loudly and you giggle, "will do Y/N" you hum and after saying goodbye he hangs up. The conversation leaves you with hope for when he comes back to the UK.


The pictures of your late night antics seem to miraculously disappear from the internet. You once again thank Mason, this time over text. His only response is that he can't wait to see you again. The simple text gets you through the several days of waiting for England to either get eliminated or win the whole thing. When they do get knocked out you know that you should be sad but the anticipation of seeing Mason overshadows the rotten feeling of losing.

Even though you promised Mason that you would be awake when he gets back, work has kicked your butt. You're fully asleep when the footballer touches down in London, so you don't see his texts about coming to your place to stay over. You only shift slightly when you feel your bed dip during the night but stay asleep.


The sun hits your eyes so you groan then bring a hand up to block the light. You sit up suddenly with a gasp because you realize that you fell asleep. An arm comes around your waist to pull you back into a laying position, "don't get up" a familiar sleepy voice says. You grin at Mason then snuggle up against his chest. "You're back!" you exclaim so he opens his eyes. "Sure am Y/N" he mumbles so you lean in to kiss him. "Missed you Mase" you say against his lips so he tightens his arm around you. "I missed you and so did everyone else" you smile then rest your head against his chest, his other arm comes around you as well to wrap you in a cocoon of warmth. For now neither of you mention the months long break, you just enjoy the quiet moment together.

Eventually you two end up in your kitchen. You move around the space as if not a day has gone by since being together. The simple domestic feeling makes you smile as you pour coffee into mugs. Arms come around you then soft kisses are pressed to your shoulder. Suddenly a phone starts ringing and it breaks the moment. Mason sighs then steps away, "be right back" he says so the smile that was on your lips drops. Whatever fantasy you believe that you're in is wiped away because reality is a bitch and you still need to talk about your relationship. You had a break for a reason and pretending that you didn't is naive.

You don't realize that you've zoned out until a hand waves in front of your face. You jump then look up to see Mason watching you with concern on his face. "You alright baby?" you blink a few times then furrow your brows, "we should talk" he sighs then nods, "yeah that's a good idea". You microwave the coffee that became cold during your zone out then follow Mason to the couch. He's twiddling his fingers but looks up when you sit down.

"I know we took this break because there wasn't a good balance in our relationship" you begin and he nods. "But being away from you made me realize that I want to figure this out so that we can be happy together" you finish. Mason reaches out to take your hand, "all I want is to be with you and if that means working for it then I will do that every day". You sit up to put your mug on the coffee table then turn to Mason. His expression shows confusion so you smile to reassure him and shuffle over on the couch to be able to straddle his legs. "I thought drunk dialling you made me pathetic but now it feels like I did the right thing" you say so he brings his hands to your thighs. "Drunk words are sober thoughts, it was only a matter of time before one of us drunk dialled the other" he replies. You laugh then move your hand up to cradle his jaw, "I love you so much Mase". He smiles then brushes some loose hair behind your ear, "baby, you're the love of my life no matter what". You close the distance to kiss him softly at first but his hand shifts higher so you sink into his lap further and deepen the kiss.

The months long break is forgotten because from then on you two put in the work to solidify your relationship. Eventually a healthy balance is restored where work and life blend seamlessly and your love never fades.

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