Love at First Sight 3 - Charles Leclerc

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Charles' hotel room is more of a suite so you take a moment to admire the space. "Wow you guys really are living the dream" you say with awe apparent in your voice. He wraps his arms around you from behind and you lean back into him while smiling. "Its not home though" he replies with a tone of sadness. You turn around in his arms then bring your hand up to his cheek. "That must be really hard, I couldn't imagine the homesickness" he tightens his hold on you then lowers his head to press a soft kiss to your lips.

What begins as slow and meaningful turns passionate and heated in mere seconds. Your fingers find his hair to tug at the soft strands and he unwinds his arms to lift you in one effortless movement. Your breaths come in pants as Charles pulls away only to press his lips along your neck down to your shoulder then to your collarbone. When he drops you onto his bed and explores your body with his lips it feels like you're on cloud nine. The remainder of the evening and into the night nothing else matters except one another.


Morning comes and with it sunlight and a ringing phone. You rotate away from the window and whine at the loud noise. The bed shifts before the ringing stops so you open your eyes to investigate. Charles is standing out of hearing distance with his phone against his ear. You sigh then smile when you remember the amazing night you had with the driver. The sheets are tangled around your body but you don't do anything to change that as you stay laying across the bed with your gaze still on the brunette across the room.

When he drops his phone after a couple of minutes you perk up. He walks over then rejoins you in bed. "Everything alright?" You ask as he pulls you against him, "of course" he replies and rests his hand on your lower back. You place a hand on his bare chest to move closer to him so that you can press a kiss against his lips. He brings a hand up to your cheek to hold you in place for a little bit longer. Your phone starts going off this time so you pull away from Charles and go to leave his embrace. The driver winds his arms around you to hold you steady, you giggle as he presses a trail of kisses against your shoulder. "It might be my sister" you explain so he loosens his hold to let you climb out of bed. You grab the nearest shirt, which happens to be his from the previous day and go to where your phone is ringing.

As expected it's your sister calling so you accept the call. "What's up?" you ask in greeting, "I know that you're probably distracted so I called to remind you that our flight is tonight" she replies and it's like she poured an ice cold bucket of water on you. The smile that was on your face drops at the dose of reality. "Oh yeah" you mumble quietly, she sighs into the phone, "I wanted to tell you early so that you could still spend some time with Charles" she adds. You smile slightly even though she can't see you, "I appreciate that" she's silent so you bite your lip to prevent any emotions from spilling out, "we'll see you back at the hotel, say hi to Charles for us, your nephew won't stop asking about him" you let out a laugh at the mention of the little boy who is obsessed with racing. "Okay see you" you mumble then hang up the call with a new sadness settling in your heart.

After putting your phone down you turn to the bed where Charles is leaning against the headboard. You sigh then walk over with a forced smile on your face. He immediately frowns at your expression and tugs you into him when you sit on the edge of the bed. "What's wrong Y/N?" he asks and trails his fingers along your back, "my flight home is tonight" you reply and rest your cheek against his chest. You feel his body tense at the information before he gently leans away to see you better. "Will you be at any other races?" you shake your head then look down, "this was a gift from my sister, I took this weekend off from work" he laughs sadly which makes you look up. "I find a girl that I like and she's only around for one weekend" you heart clenches at his words before you place a gentle hand on his chest over his heart, "I'll always be here".

Charles puts his hand over yours to squeeze it, "but what if I want you with me physically?" You feel your eyes well up with tears at the question. "We just met" he shakes his head then cradles your face, "you said love at first sight, that means more than not knowing you for long" you look into his eyes then look down to where his hand traps yours against his chest. "It's gonna be hard" he nods, "bien sur" (of course) you place your free hand on his shoulder and lift your head. "What if you get tired of waiting around for me when there are so many women ready to travel to races for you?" He kisses you gently then smiles, "impossible Y/N" you sigh then slump into him, "I'll miss you" he brings you flush to his chest then kisses your head. "I'll miss you more" you smile and enjoy the moment in his arms before you need to think about leaving.


~a couple of months later~

"Come on auntie Y/N we're going to be late" you laugh as your nephew pulls you along. "Late for what?" He doesn't reply just keeps pulling you to an unknown location. When your sister invited you over for dinner you didn't expect it to turn into you running while wearing your favourite dress.

When you see the sand up ahead you stumble as you take your heels off while you keep your hand in the little boy's. He giggles at your clumsiness so you roll your eyes but smile. He slows down once you step onto the beach, you lift your eyebrows at the lights laying on the sand that  lead to something you can't see. "Keep following the lights auntie Y/N" he says then turns around to run back to the house.

As your nephew instructed you approach the lights and follow them along the beach. You gasp when you see not only the picnic but Charles. He looks up at the sound but you are still speechless as he walks over. "Y/N" he murmurs then gently brushes some hair behind your ear. "How are you here? Why aren't you in Maranello?" you ask in a panic. He takes your hands to pull you towards the blanket spread out on the sand. "I took a detour on the way to Italy" he explains so you laugh, "because this is on the way" you say with sarcasm in your voice. "For me it's a necessary stop" your heart flutters at his intense gaze as he tugs you to sit down on the blanket.

"I've missed you Char" he leans in to press a brief kiss to your lips, "missed you more Y/N" you smile then watch him turn to the picnic basket you didn't notice earlier. "To us mon amour" he says when he takes out a bottle of champagne and two glasses, "and to a whole lot more of these surprise appearances" you add then kiss his cheek. "I believe now Y/N" you tilt your head in confusion, "believe in what?" he smiles then hands you a glass, "love at first sight" you giggle then lean into him while clinking glasses. "Can't wait to do it all with you" he kisses your head then winds his free arm around your waist, "me neither Y/N" you smile and enjoy the thought of being with Charles for many more months and hopefully years.

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