Football Fantasy (1) - Mason Mount

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"I'm done with dating" you say while dropping onto the sofa next to your flat mate. "Another dud?" she asks while keeping her gaze on the telly that has footy highlights playing on it. "I think I expect too much" the statement makes her look at you with raised eyebrows, "fuck the whole high expectations stereotype, we deserve to have men who treat us with respect" you sigh then move your gaze to the telly where footy players run around the pitch. "Maybe I should just give in to my fantasy of being with one of 'em" you say while waving your hand towards the footy highlights, "I reckon they're all divas with commitment issues" she explains making you snort, "you're probably right, but a girl can dream" she laughs then switches the channel to the Bake-Off. This effectively makes you forget about your half assed suggestion of getting with a football player.


The next day it feels like everything that could go wrong goes wrong for you. When it gets too much you decide to take a coffee break near your office hoping that the caffeine will bring you some kind of calmness. As fate would have it, that's too much to ask as you leave the café with a latte in hand not noticing the uneven sidewalk. It happens so fast when you trip, twisting your ankle as the hot beverage slips out of your hand. You hear footsteps rushing over before a hand shoots out towards where you've landed on the ground, "are you okay?" a deep voice asks making you look up. The worried look on the guy's face makes you blush in embarrassment, "I could be better to be honest" you reply and decide to accept his help while placing your hand in his.

As you get to your feet you let out a yelp when putting weight on the ankle you twisted nearly tipping over again, except the guy tugs you into his body to prevent anymore accidents. "Woah, okay let's get you sitting" he says while leading you to the nearest chair. Once you're sitting you get a good look at the nice man, his brown eyes filled with worry, "thank you for all of this, you don't have to stick around I can just get my flat mate to pick me up" you explain, he shrugs then pulls up a chair to sit as well, "I've got nowhere to be, it's my day off" he replies, "now hand me your ankle, you should keep it elevated while we wait" you blink in surprise at the quick turn around of the situation.

"Uhhh I don't know you enough to do that" you say cautiously, the guy blushes slightly then lowers his head, but you've already spotted the way his cheeks turn a light pink colour. "Of course that's fair" he mumbles and you can't help but find the reaction adorable as a small smile comes to your face. A couple of seconds pass and your ankle starts to throb so you decide to get the introductions started, "my name's Y/N, how about you?" he lifts his head then smiles, "I'm Mason" you hold out a hand for him to shake it, "it's nice to meet you, my ankle is throbbing so I'm gonna take you up on your offer of elevating it" his eyes widen, as if remembering why you're in this predicament. "Shit sorry" you shrug so he lets go of the handshake to carefully elevate your injured leg to bring it to his lap, neither of you noticing a photographer in the distance.


Once your flat mate has picked you up and you've said goodbye to Mason, while thanking him for his care she has this expression of disbelief on her face the whole drive home. As the two of you get into your flat you finally stop ignoring her. "What have you gotta say?" you ask while turning to her, "that was Mason fucking Mount" she squeals making you cringe as you hobble over to the sofa to lay down. "Okay....who's he?" she snorts but your focus is on elevating your ankle using a couple of pillows, "you know how you joked about giving in to your footballer fantasy?" you nod while finally looking up at her, "he's not only an england national team footballer but a Prem leaguer too" you blink as you process her words. You shake your head in denial immediately, "no way, I don't believe you" she huffs then takes out her phone, she types something then shoves the device towards you.

When your eyes go to the Instagram account on the screen your breath catches slightly. The very obvious kits and football photos scattered throughout the account of the very kind brown eyed man that came to your rescue earlier today. "Doesn't matter, I'm never gonna end up with him" you say after recovering from the shock of the new information, "I don't know y/n you two looked pretty cozy, and I've never seen you smile the way you were smiling at him" your flat mate explains. "I don't want a life in the spotlight I'm perfect right where I am" she puts her hands on her hips while looking at you with an unimpressed expression, "and if Mason's the guy you've been looking for this whole time?" you shrug while looking down at your lap, "he's just a dream of what I want but can't have" she throws her arms up then leaves the room, leaving you confused while resting on the sofa. You look down at her phone which is still in your hand, Mason's instagram account open on the screen, with a sigh you swipe away the app and put the phone down on the coffee table hoping that there will be no more talk about the footballer. The photographer in South London has other plans as they post the photos of you and Mason onto social media, setting free the fangirls and their overblown speculations, the chaos not yet a problem for you as you ice your ankle for the rest of the day and into the evening.

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