First pt.2 - Daniel Ricciardo

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..."thank you for staying" you mumble, he kisses your head which make the butterflies in your stomach go crazy, "anytime Y/N" you fall into a comfortable silence after that, feeling a spark of hope with the Australian...


True to his word Daniel is patient with you, taking you out on dates whenever he wasn't away for a race. You start to trust him more and more after each date, his touch never straying too far, a kiss to the head always present at the end of those memorable nights. The weekends when he was away the two of you FaceTimed or talked over the phone, making the distance seem less drastic for those longer stretches of time. Between the dates, the phone calls and working overtime weeks fly by and its days before your birthday. Your friends somehow convince you to take a few days off of work.

The morning after you called into work they manage to rush you out the door of the house before getting you into their car. You watch them throw a suitcase into the trunk which confuses you, and when they get into the car you're off, "where are we going?" you ask them, "just you birthday girl" is the reply you get making you raise an eyebrow. Before you can ask anymore questions your friend that is driving slows down slightly as the car approaches a tall gate with a sign tells you you're at a private airstrip at the airport. When the gate opens you still feel in the dark about what is happening and then you see the private jet waiting. "Okay so we know this is kinda crazy but we wanted you to have an amazing birthday so we talked to Daniel who organized this all" you look at them with wide eyes, "what?" they nod and then you all get out of the car. Your suitcase is given to one of the staff members for the jet and you turn to the three girls who are smiling at you, "you deserve this, you work so hard and a break is just what you need for you birthday" you start to tear up and they move forward to take you into a hug. "I love you guys" you murmur and they squeeze you tighter before letting you go, "we love you too now go have fun, and don't ask where you're going everyone has been sworn to secrecy" you roll your eyes but smile. When you turn towards the jet you take a deep breath and nod before walking towards it, thanking the few staff there for their help as you approach looking back one last time at your three friends who wave at you franticly. You giggle and wave back, then you go up into the plane in awe of the luxurious finishes as you choose a seat for the flight.


The plane touches down a few hours later so you lower your head to look out the window. You sadly can't tell where you are due to the runway being pretty bare, looking like every other airport runway you've seen. The attendant interrupts and let you know that you can now leave the jet, so you grab your things and thank her politely before shuffling off of the gorgeous jet unsure of what will greet you when you get out of the small plane. Once you step out of the jet the first thing you see is Daniel, he's grinning up at you, something seems to click in your mind at that moment making you want nothing more than to kiss that man.

The realization makes you smile and run down the steps leading to the tarmac, you eliminate the distance between you and him in seconds your arms winding around his neck tightly. His arms snake around your waist pulling you closer, "happy early birthday Y/N" he murmurs into your ear before kissing your head softly,"I missed you Dan" you reply while enjoying his embrace. "Come on beautiful lets get you settled" you pull away from him still smiling, and that's when you finally realize where you are in the world, "Paris?" you breath out your eyes latching onto the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Dan tugs your hand making you look over, "you told me you've always wanted to come here so I figured your birthday was a perfect opportunity" he explains with a shrug, "you remember that?" he smiles but doesn't say anything as he pulls you to a car that you just noticed is idling a few feet away.


Daniel takes you out into the city once you've dropped off your things in the hotel room he booked for you. You're giggling as the Aussie runs down the cobblestone street with your hand in his, "where are we going?" you ask making him look back briefly, "you'll see Y/N" he replies making you roll your eyes as he continues running. When he suddenly stops you bump into his back which makes you laugh, he turns around, "oops" you just smile up at him, "are we there yet?" he chuckles but brings you in front of him which makes you see the Eiffel Tower way closer than before. He brings your back to his chest moving his arms around you while resting his chin on your shoulder, "this is amazing" you murmur and place your hands on his arms, "mhmm" he hums which makes you smile as your eyes move up the landmark in awe.

After a few seconds you spin around in his arms not wanting to wait any longer for what you want, Daniel looks down at you confused. You proceed to curl your fingers into his shirt tugging him the slightest bit closer, "kiss me" is all you say as confidently as you can, his eyes widen slightly before he lifts a hand to your cheek, "are you sure Y/N?" you nod while your eyes flick from his eyes to his lips. He cradles your face his thumb brushing along your cheek making your eyes stay on his as he lowers his head towards yours. When his lips brush along yours you tighten your hold on his shirt, "relax" he murmurs making you realize how tense you've gotten, you close your eyes hoping that it shakes off the nerves as you feel his thumb now at your cheekbone.

Daniel must notice the change because he fully presses his lips to yours leaving them there for a few seconds as your fingers loosen from his shirt slightly. He pulls away slowly making you open your eyes, "how was that?" he asks, "I mean I have no comparison so I don't really know" you reply sheepishly, he smiles, "okay give me a second chance" you giggle but nod. He lowers his lips to yours again but this time he gently coaxes your lips to move along with his. Your hands flatten out on his chest and he pulls away, you find yourself chasing his lips which makes him chuckle. "Can't get enough huh?" you blush and shove him gently, "shut up" he kisses your head, "don't worry I can't get enough either" you smile and he brings you to his side. "It was worth the wait though" you say while peering up at him, "definitely" he replies leaving you thinking of what else is to come with the man holding you close as you two walk through the city of love.

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