Skating - Charles Leclerc

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A/N I have no idea if Charles knows how to skate, so we're just gonna assume he doesn't for this little fic

You grew up ice skating with your siblings, getting into some very heated hokey games on the rink your parents built in the backyard. One of the first things you learned about your boyfriend Charles was that he grew up in a very warm climate meaning that ice skating was not much of an option when it came to local sports. When he first told you, you were shocked and made it your mission to get him onto a sheet of ice whenever the opportunity arose.

After a few weeks of research you find a hockey league nearby; the plan to bring him to watch a live game while Formula 1 is on its winter break. "Charles I think you're overdressed for this" you tell the brunette seeing how bundled up he is standing in the entrance of your apartment, "the way you described it sounds cold" he replies making you smile. "Not cold like blizzard though" he huffs and you step forwards quickly taking some layers off of the Monegasque leaving him in a more manageable amount of layers. "Let's go we don't want to miss anything" you exclaim while stepping out of the apartment. Charles takes your hand and you pull him out of the building excited to see a live hockey game after months of watching on your laptop at ungodly hours of the night.


You're practically buzzing with happiness when the two of you get to the arena. The smile on your face is so wide that it hurts as you pull Charles to the seats printed on the tickets you bought. "You're right it's not that cold" you giggle while looking over at your boyfriend, "trust the Canadian, she knows cold more than anyone" he smiles before looking at the players skating around on the ice. You curl your hand around the Monegasque's arm leaning into him as the game gets underway, "I've missed live hockey" you murmur, "what racing doesn't do it for you Y/N?" he jokes making you look his way while giggling, "Hockey is in my veins, just like racing is in yours" he smiles before kissing your head, "I wouldn't have it any other way ma chérie" you slide your hand into his as you focus back in on the action in front of you, "moi non plus" he squeezes your hand falling into a silence for the majority of the game.

When the final buzzer sounds at the end of the game Charles is smiling as the two of you get up to leave the arena. "That was amazing Y/N" he exclaims making you laugh, "welcome to my world" you reply while he throws an arm across  your shoulders bringing you to his side as you walk out of the cold building together. "Next we get you into a pair of skates" you say with a grin, Charles looks over at you with a smile, "I don't think that's a good idea" he replies, "on the contrary, I think it's a great idea" he laughs and you quickly pull him to a stop to press a kiss to his lips, "i'm going to get you out there and it's going to be amazing" you murmur into the kiss making him squeeze your hip. The Monegasque doesn't object as we walk back to the car to make the trip back to Monte Carlo. 


A few months later the trip to Canada to see your family sparks excitement knowing that you talked to your parents in advance to make sure the outdoor rink is ready. You can tell that Charles is nervous when you land in your hometown so you reassure him with a kiss before getting into a cab. You're looking out the window at the familiar surroundings, your hand laced with Charles' as the cab approaches the neighbourhood where you grew up. When you come to a stop in front of your childhood home, you quickly hop out of the car grinning, you help the driver unload the bags from the trunk before paying the fare. Charles takes your hand gently so you tug him towards the front door with a smile, your bags rolling behind the two of you. 

Once you've rang the doorbell several times you look over at your boyfriend, "ready?" he nods while squeezing your hand, the door swings open seconds later your mother greeting you with a hug. Your hand is still in Charles' making the hug a little awkward, "hi mom" you say with a laugh, "i've missed you sweetheart, you need to visit more often" she exclaims while letting go of you, "I'm trying I swear" she hums not believing your words. " this is Charles" you tell her while pulling the Monégasque forward, her eyes move upwards and she grins before hugging him like only a mother can. "It's so nice to finally meet you in person, seeing a person through a computer screen doesn't quite do it for me" you giggle at your mom's excitement making your boyfriend peer over at you with a smile, "it's lovely to meet you too" he tells her before moving back to your side. "I have to go finish your welcome home dinner, so feel free to get settled in the meantime" you nod and lead Charles to your room.


The next morning you're up early while Charles is still asleep, you gather the skates you managed to secure in advance and you layer up before going to wake up the Ferrari driver. You smile at your sleeping boyfriend's face padding towards the bed before climbing onto the mattress, proceeding to press a gentle kiss to his lips. He smiles into your lips lifting a hand to cradle your face keeping your lips locked for an extra few seconds. "Time to wake up" you murmur while pulling away, he opens his eyes making you smile, "trop tôt" he replies sleepily, "not for what I have planned" he lifts an eyebrow curiously so you take his hand pulling him out of bed telling him to dress warm before you leave the room. 

You're sitting in the kitchen when Charles walks into the room minutes later, looking like a true Canadian in his toque, heavy coat and joggers. "You would never know that he grew up in Monaco" your dad says with a smile, "I taught him well" you reply making everyone laugh, including your boyfriend. "You two should get out there while it's still sunny" your mom says making you nod and stand up, shrugging on your coat before taking Charles' hand. "Out where?" he asks making you smile, "you'll see" you reply and go towards the back door, taking the two pairs of skates with your free hand. Stepping outside makes your smile widen, "is that?" you nod, "this is the rink" the Monégasque squeezes your hand tightly, "I don't know about this chérie" you peer over your shoulder seeing the hesitation in his eyes, "do you trust me?" he nods, "bien sure", you smile, "then you're going to be fine out there" he squeezes your hand again as you lead him to the ice. 

"You know I never thought we would get here" you tell Charles as you skate backwards holding his outstretched hands to help him balance, "what do you mean Y/N?" you shrug a small smile on your face, "when you told me you didn't know how to skate when we first met all I could imagine was teaching you how" he laughs, "quelquefois les rêves deviennent réalité" you nod and he peers down at his skate clad feet giving you a moment to admire the race car driver in this backdrop. "You're a natural Charles" your statement makes him look up again with a childlike grin, "I have a pretty amazing teacher" you let go of one of his hands to flip your hair over your shoulder dramatically, "I know right" he laughs again making you giggle as you come to a stop. With Charles' lack of knowledge in stopping you should've expected his forward momentum coming towards you, but you're still caught off guard when he brings his arms around your body the momentum tipping you backwards. You squeal in surprise clutching onto the Ferrari driver as you fall into the snowbank bordering the rink. You burst into giggles as Charles catches himself before all of his weight falls on you, "I think that's enough for me" he tells you before swiftly moving to lay next to you in the snow, "sounds good to me" you reply and take his hand. 

Once the two of you get back inside ten minutes later, you immediately get to making some hot cocoa. You hear Charles talking to your family which makes you look away from the milk you're heating up on the stove. The sight that greets you makes a smile appear on your face, seeing how well the Monégasque fits into the family gives you hope that he'll be in your life for a long time. 

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