Stood Up - Pierre Gasly

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The minute your friends told you about the blind date they set up for you, your immediate thought was to reject it. After some convincing and a look at your less than amazing love life you cave in. They helped you get ready the night of the date, the whole time that they're primping your mind decides to remind you of Pierre, who is one of your closest friends and who has had your back through all the tough times and who isn't there to reassure you that this date is a good thing. While you were sitting in front of the mirror watching your friend finish your hair you couldn't help but imagine that it was all for the frenchman, your feelings interfering with your thoughts as usual.

Once you're ready for the date your friends pushed you out the door. You sighed and got into your car to go meet the guy they swore would be perfect for you. As you drove you second guessed the date that you knew wouldn't end like you wanted it to. But knowing that your friends did it because they care pushed you to give the guy a chance, whoever he might be. You parked the car near the restaurant where you were meeting him and proceed to wait outside a small smile on your face in the nice outfit your friends helped you pick fit the night.


When you look down at your watch for what feels like the millionth time in the past half hour you frown. You accept that you've been stood up so you sigh and walk back to your car while putting your hair into a haphazard bun. Sitting in the quiet car makes you feel even more pathetic so you start the engine and drive towards the place that is your second home. Hoping that you won't be stood up a second time that night.

The second you knock on the apartment door you know that you should've called before showing up. When the door opens a couple of seconds later you smile sadly at Pierre. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asks while rubbing his eyes and letting out a yawn, "I got stood up" you reply with a shrug, his eyes open up wider and they scan your formal outfit, "il est fou" (he's crazy) he mutters while pulling you into the apartment, "it was a blind date, didn't even know the guy". Pierre shakes his head, "those friends of yours" you sigh, "yeah I know" he tugs you into a hug making a smile come to your face, "let's go sleep, you'll feel better in the morning" you nod and he leads you to his bedroom where you've fallen asleep in his arms way to many times for it to be platonic. The frenchman proceeds to hand you a t-shirt, you smile up at him before sliding into the bathroom where you change out of the outfit you thought was perfect and into the worn shirt that falls halfway down your thighs. You don't bother picking up the clothes, wanting to forget all of the effort you put in only to be rejected again.

Walking back into the bedroom you feel a smile come to your face when you see Pierre already asleep again. You tiptoe across the room, sliding under the covers of his bed taking your usual spot before stuffing your head into the pillow your hands curling around it. When you close your eyes the sadness hits you all at once, a sigh leaving your lips and your eyes opening again even though all you want to do is sleep. "Are you awake?" you whisper towards the frenchman, when there's no reply you sigh again and rotate towards the bedroom door a frown on your face. Arms come around you seconds later, "Y/N what's wrong?" Pierre asks, sleep still present in his voice, "is there something wrong with me? why do men keep doing this to me?" you reply quietly, voicing your thoughts for the first time. He tightens his hold around you and tangles his legs with yours, "there is NOTHING wrong with you chérie, you're perfect and any man that doesn't see that isn't worth your time" you close your eyes when he kisses your shoulder gently, your hands moving over his. "You're worth my time" you say before biting your lip to see if he would catch on to what you're implying, "Y/N" he starts while cuddling you closer, "you're right it's crazy, you would never like me like that even though I think that I'm falling in love with you and none of those guys measure up to how you make me feel" you babble nervously glad that you can't see his expression for once. The silence that follows your confession makes your heart sink and the lump in your throat grow fearing that you've said too much.

The Frenchman starts to pull his arms away from you, causing your eyes to widen in panic. You stay completely still unsure of what is about to happen. Before he can fully lose contact with your body he rotates you to face him, his hand coming up to your cheek. "None of the women measured up to you" is what Pierre says, his gaze locked on yours and your breath catches, "kiss me" you whisper. He doesn't need to be told twice, his lips finding yours for the first time, your hand travelling up his chest and to the base of his neck. You feel him bring you flush to his body, so you feel every part of him as he deepens the kiss to a level that makes you forget about every bad thing in your life. It makes you wonder why you waited this long to tell him how you felt and feel whenever he's around. Pierre pulls away breaking you out of your thoughts as you try to catch your breath, "if we do this you're stuck with me Y/N, I don't plan on standing you up ever" he mumbles, you giggle and cradle the side of his face, "I like the sound of that" you reply, he smiles and you snuggle into his chest as he brings his arms around you even tighter, your mind full of him easily lulling you into a sleep that wasn't coming earlier in the evening.

My Book of FicsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora